谭 云
TAN Y. Study on chloride corrosion resistance of fly ash based geopolymer Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(3):84-89.
谭 云
TAN Y. Study on chloride corrosion resistance of fly ash based geopolymer Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(3):84-89.
摘 要:对比研究了氯盐侵蚀0~360 d内,粉煤灰基地聚物混凝土(以下简称FABGC)与普通混凝土(以下简称OPC)的抗压强度、质量损失率、氯离子含量、氯离子扩散系数、微观结构。结果表明:各侵蚀龄期下,OPC的抗压强度、质量损失率、氯离子含量基本均高于FABGC;随着侵蚀龄期的增加,FABGC和OPC的抗压强度、氯离子扩散系数基本呈下降趋势,质量损失率、氯离子含量呈增大趋势;当侵蚀龄期达到60 d后,OPC的抗压强度损失率、质量损失率和氯离子扩散系数均明显高于FABGC;随着侵蚀深度的增加,FABGC与OPC氯离子含量逐渐降低;与FABGC相比,未受氯盐侵蚀时,OPC的微观结构更致密,但受氯盐侵蚀后,OPC的微观结构劣化速率较快。
Abstract: The compressive strength, mass loss rate, chloride ion content, chloride diffusion coefficient, and microstructure of fly ash based geopolymer concrete (FABGC) and ordinary concrete (OPC) were investigated comparatively in the chlorine salt erosion environment during 0~360 d. The results show that the compressive strength, mass loss rate, and chloride ion content of OPC are basically higher than those of FABGC at each erosion age. With the increase of erosion age, the compressive strength and chloride ion diffusion coefficient of FABGC and OPC basically show a decreasing trend, and the mass loss rate and chloride content show an increasing trend. When the erosion age reaches 60 d, the compressive strength loss rate, mass loss rate, and chloride ion diffusion coefficient of OPC are significantly higher than those of FABGC. With the increase of erosion depth, the chloride ion content of FABGC and OPC gradually decreases. Compared with FABGC, the microstructure of OPC is denser when it is not subjected to chloride salt erosion environment, but the microstructure deterioration rate of OPC is faster when it is subjected to chloride salt erosion environment.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州