

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of wet making sand waste stone powder substitution rate on the performance of cement mortar
Stone powder; Wet process; Dry process; Cement mortar; Performance
麻旭荣1,王 振2,*,付士帅1,袁政成2,杨志强2,黄法礼2
1.浙江交通资源投资集团有限公司,浙江 杭州 310000;2.中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司 铁道建筑研究所,北京 100081

麻旭荣1,王 振2,*,付士帅1,袁政成2,杨志强2,黄法礼2


MA X R,WANG Z,FU S S,et al.Effect of wet making sand waste stone powder substitution rate on the performance of cement mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):22-26.

摘   要:采用凝灰岩湿法制砂工艺产生的废石粉经烘干、粉碎处理后(湿法石粉)部分取代水泥制备了水泥胶砂,研究了此类石粉取代率对水泥胶砂流动度、强度、水化进程和孔结构的影响,并与采用干法制砂工艺产生的废石粉(干法石粉)制备的胶砂性能进行了对比。结果表明:增加湿法石粉取代率会降低水泥胶砂的流动度和强度,且降低程度高于相同条件下采用干法石粉制备的水泥胶砂;当湿法石粉取代率不大于20%时,石粉7 d和28 d的活性指数均高于60%;湿法石粉取代率的增加降低了水泥水化产物含量,导致水泥浆体的总孔隙率增大,但降低了水泥浆体内部多害孔的比例。 Abstract: The waste stone powder generated by the wet sand making process of tuff was dried and crushed to obtain wet process stone powder, and the wet process stone powder was used to replace some cement to prepare cement mortar. The influence of the substitution rate of such stone powder on the fluidity, strength, hydration process, and pore structure of cement mortar was studied, and the performance was compared with the performance of the mortar prepared by dry process stone powder, among which the dry process stone powder was produced by dry sand making process. The results show that increasing the substitution rate of wet process stone powder will reduce the flowability and compressive strength of cement mortar, and the degree of reduction is higher than that of cement mortar prepared by dry process stone powder under the same conditions. When the substitution rate of wet process stone powder is not greater than 20%, the activity index of stone powder at 7 d and 28 d is higher than 60%. The increase in the substitution rate of wet process stone powder reduces the content of cement hydration products, leading to an increase in the total porosity of the cement slurry, but reducing the proportion of multiple harmful pores inside the cement slurry.
英文名 : Effect of wet making sand waste stone powder substitution rate on the performance of cement mortar
刊期 : 2024年第6期
关键词 : 石粉;湿法;干法;水泥胶砂;性能
Key words : Stone powder; Wet process; Dry process; Cement mortar; Performance
刊期 : 2024年第6期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.06.022.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 浙江交投集团科技研发任务项目(202106);铁科院基金项目(2021YJ078)。
作者 : 麻旭荣1,王 振2,*,付士帅1,袁政成2,杨志强2,黄法礼2
单位 : 1.浙江交通资源投资集团有限公司,浙江 杭州 310000;2.中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司 铁道建筑研究所,北京 100081

麻旭荣1,王 振2,*,付士帅1,袁政成2,杨志强2,黄法礼2


MA X R,WANG Z,FU S S,et al.Effect of wet making sand waste stone powder substitution rate on the performance of cement mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):22-26.


摘   要:采用凝灰岩湿法制砂工艺产生的废石粉经烘干、粉碎处理后(湿法石粉)部分取代水泥制备了水泥胶砂,研究了此类石粉取代率对水泥胶砂流动度、强度、水化进程和孔结构的影响,并与采用干法制砂工艺产生的废石粉(干法石粉)制备的胶砂性能进行了对比。结果表明:增加湿法石粉取代率会降低水泥胶砂的流动度和强度,且降低程度高于相同条件下采用干法石粉制备的水泥胶砂;当湿法石粉取代率不大于20%时,石粉7 d和28 d的活性指数均高于60%;湿法石粉取代率的增加降低了水泥水化产物含量,导致水泥浆体的总孔隙率增大,但降低了水泥浆体内部多害孔的比例。

Abstract: The waste stone powder generated by the wet sand making process of tuff was dried and crushed to obtain wet process stone powder, and the wet process stone powder was used to replace some cement to prepare cement mortar. The influence of the substitution rate of such stone powder on the fluidity, strength, hydration process, and pore structure of cement mortar was studied, and the performance was compared with the performance of the mortar prepared by dry process stone powder, among which the dry process stone powder was produced by dry sand making process. The results show that increasing the substitution rate of wet process stone powder will reduce the flowability and compressive strength of cement mortar, and the degree of reduction is higher than that of cement mortar prepared by dry process stone powder under the same conditions. When the substitution rate of wet process stone powder is not greater than 20%, the activity index of stone powder at 7 d and 28 d is higher than 60%. The increase in the substitution rate of wet process stone powder reduces the content of cement hydration products, leading to an increase in the total porosity of the cement slurry, but reducing the proportion of multiple harmful pores inside the cement slurry.


(2)当湿法石粉取代率不大于20%时,石粉7 d和28 d活性指数满足GB/T 35164—2017中高于60%的要求。

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MA X R,WANG Z,FU S S,et al.Effect of wet making sand waste stone powder substitution rate on the performance of cement mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):22-26.




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