- 覃智泽,韦向高,许显龙
摘 要:为了解荷载对盾构隧道管片的影响,基于混凝土塑性损伤本构模型,考虑内置钢筋、连接螺栓与管片间的非连续性接触,进行了荷载作用下管片受力破坏全过程的有限元模拟分析,研究了管片混凝土、连接螺栓与内置钢筋的力学性能变化,并探讨了土体抗力系数对管片受力与变形的影响。结果表明:在荷载作用下,管片封顶块与标准块接头内侧张开外侧压紧,邻接块接头外侧张开内侧压紧,管片初始破坏位置处于拱底处内侧,以纵向裂缝为主,最终形成网状裂缝;管片受力与变形受土体抗力系数影响显著,其椭圆度、接头张开量、螺栓、钢筋应力随土体抗力系数的增大而减小。
Abstract: In order to study the influence of load on the existing shield tunnels, the plastic-damage model was adopted to represent the nonlinear characteristics between concrete, built-in steel bars and connectinh bolt. The finite element analysis of the whole failure process under the surface surcharge was carried out, the stress changes of segment concrete, connecting bolts and built-in steel bars were studied, and the influence of soil resistance coefficient on the force and deformation of segment structure was discussed. The results show that the joint between the key block and the standard block is expanded and compressed on the outside, the location of the initial failure of the segment is at the inner surface at the bottom of the haunch, mainly longitudinal cracks, and finally form network cracks. The force and deformation of shield tunnel structure are significantly affected by the soil resistance coefficient. The ellipticity, joint expansion, bolt and steel stress of shield tunnel structure decrease with the increase of soil resistance coefficient.
QIN Z Z,WEI X G,XU X L.Simulation Analysis of Influence of Load on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete Shield Segment[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(11):51-54.