

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Mix proportion design and performance study of high-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar
Simplex centroid design method; Rheological property; Mechanical property; Corrosion resistance; High-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar(HPGM)
陈子禾1,何 易2,*,王星尧2
1.中国电建集团山东电力建设有限公司,山东 济南 250101;2.江苏苏博特新材料股份有限公司, 江苏 南京 211103

陈子禾1,何 易2,*,王星尧2


CHEN Z H,HE Y,WANG X Y.Mix proportion design and performance study of high-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(8):84-90.

摘   要:采用单一质心设计法研究了矿渣-偏高岭土-激发剂三元体系对地聚物流变性能和力学性能的影响,确定了最佳三元复配比例。在此基础上制备了高性能地聚物基珊瑚砂浆(HPGM),研究了其在MgSO4与NaCl复合盐溶液侵蚀作用下的耐久性能及劣化机理,并与水泥基珊瑚砂浆(PC)进行了对比。结果表明:当矿渣、偏高岭土、激发剂的掺量分别为29、23、48 kg时,地聚物具有优异的流变性能(塑性黏度5.47 Pa·s、屈服应力547.21 Pa)和力学性能(7 d抗压强度76.3 MPa、28 d抗压强度93.2 MPa);在90 d侵蚀周期中,PC出现了明显的石膏型侵蚀破坏现象,抗压强度损失达31.6%,孔隙率增大了43.7%;HPGM内部致密的凝胶结构有效抑制了膨胀性石膏和其他劣化产物的形成,同时水化产物中的C-(A)-S-H凝胶和类水滑石相吸附了部分游离Cl-,使得HPGM在90 d侵蚀周期中未出现明显的侵蚀破坏现象,其抗压强度损失为12.0%,孔隙率增大了16.2%。 Abstract: The simplex centroid design method was used to study the influence of slag-metakaolin-activator ternary system on the rheological and mechanical properties of geopolymer, and the optimal ternary composite ratio was determined. On this basis, the high-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar (HPGM) was prepared, and its durability and degradation mechanism under the erosion of MgSO4 and NaCl composite salt solution were studied, and compared with cement-based coral mortar(PC). The results show that when the dosage of slag, metakaolin, and activator is 29, 23, and 48 kg respectively, the geopolymer has excellent rheological properties (plastic viscosity of 5.47 Pa·s, yield stress of 547.21 Pa) and mechanical properties (7 d compressive strength of 76.3 MPa, 28 d compressive strength of 93.2 MPa). During the 90 d erosion cycle, the PC exhibits significant gypsum type erosion damage, with the compressive strength loss of 31.6% and an increase in porosity of 43.7%. The dense gel structure inside the HPGM effectively inhibits the formation of expansive gypsum and other degraded products, and the C-(A)-S-H gel and hydrotalcite like phase in the hydration products absorb part of free Cl-, which makes the HPGM not appear obvious erosion damage in the 90 d erosion cycle, and its compressive strength loss is 12.0%, and the porosity increases by 16.2%.
英文名 : Mix proportion design and performance study of high-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar
刊期 : 2024年第8期
关键词 : 单一质心设计法;流变性能;力学性能;耐蚀性;高性能地聚物基珊瑚砂浆(HPGM)
Key words : Simplex centroid design method; Rheological property; Mechanical property; Corrosion resistance; High-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar(HPGM)
刊期 : 2024年第8期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.08.084.07
文章编号 :
基金项目 :
作者 : 陈子禾1,何 易2,*,王星尧2
单位 : 1.中国电建集团山东电力建设有限公司,山东 济南 250101;2.江苏苏博特新材料股份有限公司, 江苏 南京 211103

陈子禾1,何 易2,*,王星尧2


CHEN Z H,HE Y,WANG X Y.Mix proportion design and performance study of high-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(8):84-90.


摘   要:采用单一质心设计法研究了矿渣-偏高岭土-激发剂三元体系对地聚物流变性能和力学性能的影响,确定了最佳三元复配比例。在此基础上制备了高性能地聚物基珊瑚砂浆(HPGM),研究了其在MgSO4与NaCl复合盐溶液侵蚀作用下的耐久性能及劣化机理,并与水泥基珊瑚砂浆(PC)进行了对比。结果表明:当矿渣、偏高岭土、激发剂的掺量分别为29、23、48 kg时,地聚物具有优异的流变性能(塑性黏度5.47 Pa·s、屈服应力547.21 Pa)和力学性能(7 d抗压强度76.3 MPa、28 d抗压强度93.2 MPa);在90 d侵蚀周期中,PC出现了明显的石膏型侵蚀破坏现象,抗压强度损失达31.6%,孔隙率增大了43.7%;HPGM内部致密的凝胶结构有效抑制了膨胀性石膏和其他劣化产物的形成,同时水化产物中的C-(A)-S-H凝胶和类水滑石相吸附了部分游离Cl-,使得HPGM在90 d侵蚀周期中未出现明显的侵蚀破坏现象,其抗压强度损失为12.0%,孔隙率增大了16.2%。

Abstract: The simplex centroid design method was used to study the influence of slag-metakaolin-activator ternary system on the rheological and mechanical properties of geopolymer, and the optimal ternary composite ratio was determined. On this basis, the high-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar (HPGM) was prepared, and its durability and degradation mechanism under the erosion of MgSO4 and NaCl composite salt solution were studied, and compared with cement-based coral mortar(PC). The results show that when the dosage of slag, metakaolin, and activator is 29, 23, and 48 kg respectively, the geopolymer has excellent rheological properties (plastic viscosity of 5.47 Pa·s, yield stress of 547.21 Pa) and mechanical properties (7 d compressive strength of 76.3 MPa, 28 d compressive strength of 93.2 MPa). During the 90 d erosion cycle, the PC exhibits significant gypsum type erosion damage, with the compressive strength loss of 31.6% and an increase in porosity of 43.7%. The dense gel structure inside the HPGM effectively inhibits the formation of expansive gypsum and other degraded products, and the C-(A)-S-H gel and hydrotalcite like phase in the hydration products absorb part of free Cl-, which makes the HPGM not appear obvious erosion damage in the 90 d erosion cycle, and its compressive strength loss is 12.0%, and the porosity increases by 16.2%.


(2)适当增加矿渣和偏高岭土的质量分数可有效提高地聚物的聚合度,细化孔结构,促进地聚物早期强度发展,其7 d、28 d抗压强度最高分别可达76.3 MP、93.2 MPa。尤其是矿渣质量分数的增加有助于形成低Ca/Si的C-(A)-S-H凝胶,其具有无序性及低孔隙率的特征,是地聚物的主要强度相。
(3)采用单一质心设计法可有效平衡地聚物工作性和力学性能之间的关系。综合考虑地聚物的屈服应力、塑性黏度和抗压强度,本文确定矿渣-偏高岭土-激发剂三元体系的最佳复配比例为:矿渣29 kg、偏高岭土23 kg、激发剂48 kg。

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CHEN Z H,HE Y,WANG X Y.Mix proportion design and performance study of high-performance geopolymer-based coral mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(8):84-90.




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