

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of alkali activated fly ash on the performance of concrete with desalinated sea sand and seawater
Concrete with desalinated seasand and seawater; Slump; Compressive strength; Chloride ion solidification property; Fly ash; Water glass
杨 健1,徐 敏1,杜洪宇1,沈 均2,罗驹华2,*
1.华能国际电力江苏能源开发有限公司南通电厂,江苏 南通 226000;2.盐城工学院 材料科学与工程学院,江苏 盐城 224000

杨 健1,徐 敏1,杜洪宇1,沈 均2,罗驹华2,*


YANG J,XU M,DU H Y,et al.Effect of alkali activated fly ash on the performance of concrete with desalinated sea sand and seawater[J].China Concrete and Cement Products ,2024(9):21-27.

摘   要:研究了水玻璃碱激发剂对不同粉煤灰(FA)掺量的淡化海砂海水混凝土(DSSC)坍落度、抗压强度、氯离子固化能力的影响,并进行了微观分析。结果表明:单掺FA可以增加DSSC的坍落度,而单掺水玻璃则会降低DSSC的坍落度;复掺时,当FA掺量为6%、水玻璃掺量为2%时,DSSC的抗压强度最佳;当FA和水玻璃掺量分别为30%和1%时,DSSC的氯离子固化能力最佳;DSSC中存在C-S-H凝胶对氯离子的物理吸附以及化学结合形成Friedel盐;当FA和水玻璃掺量分别为18%和1%时,DSSC的综合性能较好。 Abstract: The effect of water glass alkali activator on the slump, compressive strength, and chloride ion solidification property of concrete with desalinated seasand and seawater(DSSC) with different fly ash(FA) contents was studied, and microscopic analysis was conducted. The results indicate that the single addition of FA can increase the slump of DSSC, while the single addition of water glass can decrease the slump of DSSC. When mixed, the compressive strength of DSSC is optimal when the FA content is 6% and the water glass content is 2%. When the content of FA and water glass is 30% and 1% respectively, the chloride ion solidification property of DSSC is optimal. In DSSC, C-S-H gel can adsorb chloride ions physically and chemically to form Friedel salt. When the content of FA and water glass is 18% and 1% respectively, the comprehensive performance of DSSC is better.
英文名 : Effect of alkali activated fly ash on the performance of concrete with desalinated sea sand and seawater
刊期 : 2024年第9期
关键词 : 淡化海砂海水混凝土;坍落度;抗压强度;氯离子固化能力;粉煤灰;水玻璃
Key words : Concrete with desalinated seasand and seawater; Slump; Compressive strength; Chloride ion solidification property; Fly ash; Water glass
刊期 : 2024年第9期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.09.021.07
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 华能国际电力股份有限公司南通电厂基金项目(HNKJ20-G02)。
作者 : 杨 健1,徐 敏1,杜洪宇1,沈 均2,罗驹华2,*
单位 : 1.华能国际电力江苏能源开发有限公司南通电厂,江苏 南通 226000;2.盐城工学院 材料科学与工程学院,江苏 盐城 224000

杨 健1,徐 敏1,杜洪宇1,沈 均2,罗驹华2,*


YANG J,XU M,DU H Y,et al.Effect of alkali activated fly ash on the performance of concrete with desalinated sea sand and seawater[J].China Concrete and Cement Products ,2024(9):21-27.


摘   要:研究了水玻璃碱激发剂对不同粉煤灰(FA)掺量的淡化海砂海水混凝土(DSSC)坍落度、抗压强度、氯离子固化能力的影响,并进行了微观分析。结果表明:单掺FA可以增加DSSC的坍落度,而单掺水玻璃则会降低DSSC的坍落度;复掺时,当FA掺量为6%、水玻璃掺量为2%时,DSSC的抗压强度最佳;当FA和水玻璃掺量分别为30%和1%时,DSSC的氯离子固化能力最佳;DSSC中存在C-S-H凝胶对氯离子的物理吸附以及化学结合形成Friedel盐;当FA和水玻璃掺量分别为18%和1%时,DSSC的综合性能较好。

Abstract: The effect of water glass alkali activator on the slump, compressive strength, and chloride ion solidification property of concrete with desalinated seasand and seawater(DSSC) with different fly ash(FA) contents was studied, and microscopic analysis was conducted. The results indicate that the single addition of FA can increase the slump of DSSC, while the single addition of water glass can decrease the slump of DSSC. When mixed, the compressive strength of DSSC is optimal when the FA content is 6% and the water glass content is 2%. When the content of FA and water glass is 30% and 1% respectively, the chloride ion solidification property of DSSC is optimal. In DSSC, C-S-H gel can adsorb chloride ions physically and chemically to form Friedel salt. When the content of FA and water glass is 18% and 1% respectively, the comprehensive performance of DSSC is better.


(5)综合坍落度、抗压强度和氯离子固化能力,当FA和水玻璃掺量分别为18%和1%时,DSSC的坍落度、28 d抗压强度和氯离子固化能力参数分别为175 mm、38.6 MPa和1.26,综合性能较好。

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YANG J,XU M,DU H Y,et al.Effect of alkali activated fly ash on the performance of concrete with desalinated sea sand and seawater[J].China Concrete and Cement Products ,2024(9):21-27.




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