CAO W W,YAN T L,ZHANG F F.Experimental study on flexural behavior of pin type resistant extraction pile mechanical joint[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(9):52-57.
CAO W W,YAN T L,ZHANG F F.Experimental study on flexural behavior of pin type resistant extraction pile mechanical joint[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(9):52-57.
摘 要:为提高预制混凝土桩的桩间连接质量,研发了一种销钉式机械连接接头。通过销钉式机械连接、销钉式机械连接与焊接连接组合的预制桩桩间接头的抗弯性能试验,对比分析了两种连接方式的受弯承载力、破坏特性与裂缝分布情况。结果表明:两种连接方式的管桩接头试件的开裂弯矩与极限弯矩试验值均大于理论值,满足设计要求;销钉式连接的管桩接头试件破坏形式为销钉受拉脱落,销钉式连接和焊接组合的管桩接头试件破坏形式为接头受压面混凝土破坏;两种连接方式的管桩接头试件在桩身裂缝出现前,各混凝土测点应变呈线性增长,试件跨中截面应变分布基本满足平截面假定。
Abstract: In order to improve the connection performance between prefabricated concrete piles, pin mechanical joints are used. Flexural performance tests were conducted on piles connected with pin mechanical joints, pin mechanical joints and hand welded combination respectively. The flexural capacity, failure characteristics and crack distribution were compared and analyzed. The results show that the measured values of cracking moment and ultimate bending moment are higher than the theoretical values, meeting the joints design requirements. The failure of the specimen with pin mechanical joints is that part of the joints are pulled out, while the failure of the specimen with pin mechanical connection and welding combination is the concrete failure of the joint compression surface. Before the cracks appear, the strain at the concrete measuring points of the specimens increases linearly, and the plane-section assumption agrees well with the results of strain distribution in the mid-span section of the specimens.
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