GENG L M,DU H X,GUO C Q,et al.Influence and mechanism analysis of multiple solid waste micro powders on properties of concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(10):84-89.
GENG L M,DU H X,GUO C Q,et al.Influence and mechanism analysis of multiple solid waste micro powders on properties of concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(10):84-89.
摘 要:将多元固废微粉(粉煤灰、矿粉、石灰石粉、脱硫石膏)等质量部分替代水泥制备了混凝土,研究了石灰石粉掺量(0~15%)和脱硫石膏掺量(0~4%)对混凝土力学性能和抗碳化性能的影响,并分析了多元固废微粉的作用机理。结果表明:当石灰石粉掺量为4%且脱硫石膏掺量为2%时,试件的抗压和劈裂抗拉强度最大;当石灰石粉掺量为8%且脱硫石膏掺量为2%时,试件的抗碳化性能最好;石灰石粉在混凝土中能发挥成核、填充、化学和稀释作用;脱硫石膏可作为硫酸盐类激发剂激发粉煤灰、矿粉的火山灰活性,促进早期水化产物的生成。
Abstract: Concrete was prepared by partially replacing cement with multiple solid waste micro powder such as fly ash, mineral powder, limestone powder, and desulfurization gypsum. The effects of limestone powder content(0~15%) and desulfurization gypsum content(0~4%) on the mechanical properties and carbonation resistance of concrete were studied, and the mechanism of action of multiple solid waste micro powder was analyzed. The results show that when the content of limestone powder is 4% and the content of desulfurization gypsum is 2%, the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of the specimen are the highest. When the content of limestone powder is 8% and the content of desulfurization gypsum is 2%, the carbonation resistance of the specimen is the best. Limestone powder can play a role in nucleation, filling, chemistry, and dilution in concrete. Desulfurized gypsum can be used as a sulfate activator to stimulate the volcanic ash activity of fly ash and mineral powder, promoting the generation of early hydration products.
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