

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Study on mechanical performance and micro structure of basalt powder high performance concrete
Basalt powder; High performance concrete(HPC); Mechanical property; Micro morphology; Porosity
周 权1,毛嘉熙2,初晓明1,闫东明2,陈士堃2,刘 毅3
1.浙江交投嵊兴矿业有限公司,浙江 绍兴 312432;2.浙江大学 建筑工程学院,浙江 杭州 310058; 3.浙江大学 材料科学与工程学院,浙江 杭州310058

周 权1,毛嘉熙2,初晓明1,闫东明2,陈士堃2,刘 毅3


ZHOU Quan, MAO Jiaxi,CHU Xiaoming,et al.Study on mechanical performance and micro structure of basalt powder high performance concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(10):104-110.

摘   要:研究了玄武岩石粉替代率(10%、20%、30%)、粒径(0~75、75~150、150~180 μm)对高性能混凝土(HPC)强度的影响,并分析了作用机理。结果表明:用适量玄武岩石粉替代水泥可有效提升HPC试件的抗压、抗折强度,建议最佳掺量为20%;总体而言,相比粒径150~180 μm的玄武岩石粉,粒径0~75 μm、75~150 μm的玄武岩石粉对HPC试件抗压、抗折强度的提升效果更为显著;玄武岩石粉部分替代水泥对水化产物的种类没有影响,但会降低水化产物的衍射峰强度;适当增大玄武岩石粉的替代率能有效降低基体内部孔隙率,提高基体密实度,但增大玄武岩石粉的粒径则会降低水化产物的衍射峰强度,提高基体内部孔隙率,降低基体的密实度。 Abstract: The effects of substitution rate(10%, 20%, 30%) and particle size(0~75, 75~150, 150~180 μm) of basalt powder on strength of high performance concrete(HPC) were investigated, and the function mechanism was analyzed. The results show that, basalt powder can effectively improve the compressive and flexural strengths of HPC specimens by replacing cement with appropriate substitution rate, and the optimal content is recommended to be 20%. In general, compared with basalt powder with particle size of 150~180 μm, basalt powder with particle size of 0~75 μm and 75~150 μm has a better effect on the improvement of compressive and flexural strengths of HPC specimens. The basalt powder has no effect on the type of hydration product when replacing cement partially, but decreases the diffraction peak intensity of the hydration product. Appropriately increasing the substitution rate of basalt powder can effectively reduce the internal porosity of the matrix and improve the compactness of the matrix, but increasing the particle size of basalt powder decreases the diffraction peak intensity of the hydration product, improves the internal porosity of the matrix and decreases the compactness of the matrix.
英文名 : Study on mechanical performance and micro structure of basalt powder high performance concrete
刊期 : 2024年第10期
关键词 : 玄武岩石粉;高性能混凝土(HPC);力学性能;微观形貌;孔隙率
Key words : Basalt powder; High performance concrete(HPC); Mechanical property; Micro morphology; Porosity
刊期 : 2024年第10期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.10.104.07
文章编号 :
基金项目 :
作者 : 周 权1,毛嘉熙2,初晓明1,闫东明2,陈士堃2,刘 毅3
单位 : 1.浙江交投嵊兴矿业有限公司,浙江 绍兴 312432;2.浙江大学 建筑工程学院,浙江 杭州 310058; 3.浙江大学 材料科学与工程学院,浙江 杭州310058

周 权1,毛嘉熙2,初晓明1,闫东明2,陈士堃2,刘 毅3


ZHOU Quan, MAO Jiaxi,CHU Xiaoming,et al.Study on mechanical performance and micro structure of basalt powder high performance concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(10):104-110.


摘   要:研究了玄武岩石粉替代率(10%、20%、30%)、粒径(0~75、75~150、150~180 μm)对高性能混凝土(HPC)强度的影响,并分析了作用机理。结果表明:用适量玄武岩石粉替代水泥可有效提升HPC试件的抗压、抗折强度,建议最佳掺量为20%;总体而言,相比粒径150~180 μm的玄武岩石粉,粒径0~75 μm、75~150 μm的玄武岩石粉对HPC试件抗压、抗折强度的提升效果更为显著;玄武岩石粉部分替代水泥对水化产物的种类没有影响,但会降低水化产物的衍射峰强度;适当增大玄武岩石粉的替代率能有效降低基体内部孔隙率,提高基体密实度,但增大玄武岩石粉的粒径则会降低水化产物的衍射峰强度,提高基体内部孔隙率,降低基体的密实度。

Abstract: The effects of substitution rate(10%, 20%, 30%) and particle size(0~75, 75~150, 150~180 μm) of basalt powder on strength of high performance concrete(HPC) were investigated, and the function mechanism was analyzed. The results show that, basalt powder can effectively improve the compressive and flexural strengths of HPC specimens by replacing cement with appropriate substitution rate, and the optimal content is recommended to be 20%. In general, compared with basalt powder with particle size of 150~180 μm, basalt powder with particle size of 0~75 μm and 75~150 μm has a better effect on the improvement of compressive and flexural strengths of HPC specimens. The basalt powder has no effect on the type of hydration product when replacing cement partially, but decreases the diffraction peak intensity of the hydration product. Appropriately increasing the substitution rate of basalt powder can effectively reduce the internal porosity of the matrix and improve the compactness of the matrix, but increasing the particle size of basalt powder decreases the diffraction peak intensity of the hydration product, improves the internal porosity of the matrix and decreases the compactness of the matrix.


(1)在90 ℃恒温水养条件下,玄武岩石粉以适当的替代率替代水泥可有效提升HPC试件的抗压、抗折强度,当玄武岩石粉替代率为20%时,HPC试件的抗压、抗折强度相对最高。
(2)在提升HPC抗压、抗折强度方面,在不同的替代率下,玄武岩石粉的最佳粒径各不相同,总体而言,粒径为0~75 μm、75~150 μm的玄武岩石粉对HPC试件抗压、抗折强度的提升效果较粒径为150~180 μm的玄武岩石粉显著。
(3)当玄武岩石粉粒径为0~75 μm时,增大玄武岩石粉的替代率对水化产物的种类没有影响,但会降低水化产物的衍射峰强度,另外,适当增大玄武岩石粉的替代率能降低基体内部孔隙率,提高基体密实度;当玄武岩石粉的替代率为10%时,增大玄武岩石粉的粒径对水化产物的种类没有影响,但会降低水化产物的衍射峰强度,提高基体内部孔隙率,降低基体的密实度。

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ZHOU Quan, MAO Jiaxi,CHU Xiaoming,et al.Study on mechanical performance and micro structure of basalt powder high performance concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(10):104-110.




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