曾 涛,胡洪涛*,黄仁阔,于俊洋,肖雨欣
ZENG T,HU H T,HUANG R K,et al.Effect of aggregate characteristics on the performance of underwater non-dispersible concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(11):22-27.
曾 涛,胡洪涛*,黄仁阔,于俊洋,肖雨欣
ZENG T,HU H T,HUANG R K,et al.Effect of aggregate characteristics on the performance of underwater non-dispersible concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(11):22-27.
摘 要:利用分形理论结合图像处理方法对骨料的级配和粒形特征进行了定量评价,研究了不同分形维数下骨料特征对水下不分散混凝工作性、抗分散性能、力学性能、气泡特征、抗冻性能的影响。结果表明:随着级配分形维数的增加,水下不分散混凝土的工作性和抗压强度先提高后降低,抗分散性能提高,但抗冻性能降低,气泡间距系数与抗冻性能间存在良好的对应关系;当级配分形维数为2.5时,综合性能相对最佳;随着粒形分形维数的增加,水下不分散混凝土的工作性略有提高,但对抗分散性能、抗压强度、抗冻性能的提高效果不显著。
Abstract: A quantitative evaluation was conducted on the gradation and shape characteristics of aggregates using fractal theory combined with image processing methods. The effects of aggregate characteristics under different fractal dimensions on the workability, anti dispersion performance, mechanical performance, bubble characteristics, and frost resistance of underwater non-dispersed concrete were studied. The results show that as the fractal dimension of the gradation increases, the workability and compressive strength of underwater non-dispersed concrete first increase and then decrease, and the anti dispersion performance improves, but the frost resistance decreases. There is a good correspondence between the bubble spacing coefficient and the frost resistance. When the fractal dimension of the gradation is 2.5, the comprehensive performance is relatively optimal. As the fractal dimension of particle shape increases, the workability of underwater non-dispersed concrete slightly improves, but the improvement effect on anti dispersion performance, compressive strength, and frost resistance is not significant.
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