谢新颖,李晓峰,金玉杰,等.环氧树脂混凝土装配式桁架下弦K型节点力学试验及有限元分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(11):43 -48.
XIE X Y,LI X F,JIN Y J,et al.Mechanical test and finite element analysis of K-type joint under chord of epoxy resin concrete prefabricated truss[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(11):43 -48.
谢新颖,李晓峰,金玉杰,等.环氧树脂混凝土装配式桁架下弦K型节点力学试验及有限元分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(11):43 -48.
XIE X Y,LI X F,JIN Y J,et al.Mechanical test and finite element analysis of K-type joint under chord of epoxy resin concrete prefabricated truss[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(11):43 -48.
摘 要:通过静力试验研究了环氧树脂混凝土装配式桁架下弦K型节点的破坏形态、承载能力和节点板的应力与应变分布情况,并进行了有限元模拟分析。结果表明:环氧树脂混凝土下弦K型节点在下弦杆靠近节点板的两侧出现5条竖直裂缝,最终节点板左侧下弦杆处的竖直裂缝前后贯通,弦杆发生拉弯破坏,节点的极限承载力为421.5 kN;有限元模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好,验证了有限元模拟的可靠性。
Abstract: The failure mode, bearing capacity, and stress and strain distribution of K-type joint under chord of epoxy resin concrete prefabricated truss were studied through static tests, and the finite element simulation analysis was conducted. The results show that there are 5 vertical cracks on both sides of the lower chord of the epoxy resin concrete K-type joint near the joint plate. Finally, the vertical cracks at the lower chord on the left side of the joint plate penetrate forward and backward, and the chord undergoes tensile and bending failure. The ultimate bearing capacity of the joint is 421.5 kN. The finite element simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results, verifying the reliability of the finite element simulation.
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