

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of metakaolin on high temperature resistance of alkali activated slag cement
Alkali activated slag cement; Metakaolin; High temperature resistance; Strength; Microstructure
吕淑莲1,雷 华2,程臻赟2,*
1.宁夏建设职业技术学院 环境工程系,宁夏 银川 750021;2.北方民族大学 土木工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021

吕淑莲1,雷 华2,程臻赟2,*


LYU S L,LEI H,CHENG Z Y.Effect of metakaolin on high temperature resistance of alkali activated slag cement[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(11):100-105.

摘   要:对比研究了不同掺量的偏高岭土(0、10%、30%)对碱矿渣水泥在20~1 000 ℃高温作用下的外观形貌和抗压强度的影响,并进行了XRD、FT-IR和SEM分析。结果表明:当温度不大于400 ℃时,不同偏高岭土掺量试件的外观形貌和抗压强度均无明显变化;当温度升至600 ℃时,体系中的水化产物C-S-(A)-H凝胶脱水,试件内部结构出现微裂纹,抗压强度下降,但掺入适量偏高岭土能在一定程度上减少抗压强度损失;当温度达到1 000 ℃时,未掺偏高岭土试件的固相反应产物主要为钙黄长石晶体颗粒,且颗粒之间较为松散,微观结构密实度较低,而掺偏高岭土试件的固相反应产物主要为钠长石,微观结构呈空间网状,密实度较高,耐高温性能相对较好。 Abstract: A comparative study was conducted on the effects of different contents of metakaolin(0, 10%, 30%) on the appearance and compressive strength of alkali activated slag cement under high temperature conditions of 20~1 000 ℃, and XRD, FT-IR, and SEM analyses were conducted. The results show that when the temperature is not greater than 400 ℃, there is no significant change in the appearance and compressive strength of specimens with different metakaolin content. When the temperature rises to 600 ℃, the hydration product C-S-(A)-H gel in the system will be dehydrated, and the internal structure of the specimen will appear microcracks, reducing the compressive strength. However, the compressive strength loss can be reduced to a certain extent by adding appropriate content of metakaolin. When the temperature reaches 1 000 ℃, the solid reaction product of the specimen without metakaolin is mainly calcium feldspar crystal particles, and the particles are relatively loose with low microstructure density. On the other hand, the solid reaction product of the specimen with metakaolin is mainly sodium feldspar, with a spatial network structure, high density, and relatively good high temperature resistance.
英文名 : Effect of metakaolin on high temperature resistance of alkali activated slag cement
刊期 : 2024年第11期
关键词 : 碱矿渣水泥;偏高岭土;耐高温性能;强度;微观结构
Key words : Alkali activated slag cement; Metakaolin; High temperature resistance; Strength; Microstructure
刊期 : 2024年第11期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.11.100.06
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 宁夏回族自治区自然科学基金项目(2021AAC03187、2021AAC03187);国家自然科学基金项目(51668001)。
作者 : 吕淑莲1,雷 华2,程臻赟2,*
单位 : 1.宁夏建设职业技术学院 环境工程系,宁夏 银川 750021;2.北方民族大学 土木工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021

吕淑莲1,雷 华2,程臻赟2,*


LYU S L,LEI H,CHENG Z Y.Effect of metakaolin on high temperature resistance of alkali activated slag cement[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(11):100-105.


摘   要:对比研究了不同掺量的偏高岭土(0、10%、30%)对碱矿渣水泥在20~1 000 ℃高温作用下的外观形貌和抗压强度的影响,并进行了XRD、FT-IR和SEM分析。结果表明:当温度不大于400 ℃时,不同偏高岭土掺量试件的外观形貌和抗压强度均无明显变化;当温度升至600 ℃时,体系中的水化产物C-S-(A)-H凝胶脱水,试件内部结构出现微裂纹,抗压强度下降,但掺入适量偏高岭土能在一定程度上减少抗压强度损失;当温度达到1 000 ℃时,未掺偏高岭土试件的固相反应产物主要为钙黄长石晶体颗粒,且颗粒之间较为松散,微观结构密实度较低,而掺偏高岭土试件的固相反应产物主要为钠长石,微观结构呈空间网状,密实度较高,耐高温性能相对较好。

Abstract: A comparative study was conducted on the effects of different contents of metakaolin(0, 10%, 30%) on the appearance and compressive strength of alkali activated slag cement under high temperature conditions of 20~1 000 ℃, and XRD, FT-IR, and SEM analyses were conducted. The results show that when the temperature is not greater than 400 ℃, there is no significant change in the appearance and compressive strength of specimens with different metakaolin content. When the temperature rises to 600 ℃, the hydration product C-S-(A)-H gel in the system will be dehydrated, and the internal structure of the specimen will appear microcracks, reducing the compressive strength. However, the compressive strength loss can be reduced to a certain extent by adding appropriate content of metakaolin. When the temperature reaches 1 000 ℃, the solid reaction product of the specimen without metakaolin is mainly calcium feldspar crystal particles, and the particles are relatively loose with low microstructure density. On the other hand, the solid reaction product of the specimen with metakaolin is mainly sodium feldspar, with a spatial network structure, high density, and relatively good high temperature resistance.


(1)400 ℃以下的温度对碱矿渣水泥石结构无明显影响。当温度达到600 ℃时,碱矿渣水泥石的抗压强度大幅下降,掺入适量偏高岭土可以改善该阶段碱矿渣水泥石的耐高温性能。当温度达到1 000 ℃后,与未掺偏高岭土的对照组试件相比,掺偏高岭土试件的抗压强度残余百分率较高。
(2)20 ℃时,随着体系中偏高岭土掺量的增加,C-S-(A)-H凝胶的结晶度降低。经历600 ℃高温作用后,各组试件的整体结构仍较完整,对照组试件内部发生了一定程度的固相反应,生成了钙黄长石。经历1 000 ℃高温作用后,各组试件内部均发生了明显的固相反应,其中,对照组的固相反应产物以钙黄长石为主,掺偏高岭土试件中的固相反应产物主要为钠长石。
(3)20 ℃时,对照组的微观结构致密,掺入偏高岭土后,基体微观结构密实度有所降低。经历600 ℃高温作用后,各组试件的微观结构均有微裂纹出现。经历1 000 ℃高温作用后,对照组的微观结构呈松散颗粒状,而掺偏高岭土试件的微观结构呈空间网状,密实度相对较高。

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LYU S L,LEI H,CHENG Z Y.Effect of metakaolin on high temperature resistance of alkali activated slag cement[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(11):100-105.




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