

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
     【编者按】 随着我国经济的快速发展,既有、新建建筑和基础设施的体量愈来愈大,受服役环境影响,考虑其在设计、施工、服役阶段的耐久性能对于保证人们的生命财产安全、实现可持续发展具有重要意义。尤其是在服役阶段,由于外力、环境等因素的影响,大量混凝土结构在未达到设计使用年限时便出现了或大或小的耐久性问题。同时,为助力我国“双碳”目标实现,近年来大量建筑垃圾、工业固废被广泛用作建筑材料,而目前有关此类混凝土结构的长期耐久性能尚缺乏实际工程案例评价。       鉴于此,值此《混凝土与水泥制品》创刊50周年之际,我刊面向行业积极组稿,围绕“混凝土耐久性:裂缝控制与修补”这一主题进行系列报道,旨在介绍该领域的最新研究与应用进展,助力“双碳”目标实现,为混凝土行业的健康可持续发展锦上添花。本专刊包含22篇论文,涵盖材性研究、裂缝修补技术、施工技术、裂缝预测与监测及抗裂混凝土相关性能、应用等方面。衷心感谢为本专刊提供高水平论文的各位专家学者以及为本专刊辛勤付出的各位审稿专家和编辑,希望本专刊的内容可以为混凝土裂缝控制与修补的研究与应用提供借鉴,助力行业的低碳、高质量发展。       关键词:混凝土;耐久性能;抗裂性能;原材料;配合比;施工技术;裂缝预测;裂缝监测 Special Issue on Durability of Concrete: Crack Control and Repair      [Editors Note] With the rapid development of China’s economy, the volume of existing and newly built buildings and infrastructure is increasing. Due to the impact of the service environment, considering their durability in the design, construction, and service stages is of great significance for ensuring people’s life and property safety and achieving sustainable development. Especially during the service stage, due to external forces, environmental factors, and other factors, a large number of concrete structures experience varying degrees of durability issues before reaching their designed service life. At the same time, in order to help achieve China’s "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" goals, a large amount of construction waste and industrial solid waste have been widely used as building materials in recent years. However, there is currently a lack of practical engineering case evaluations on the long-term durability of such concrete structures.       In view of this, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of "China Concrete and Cement Products", we actively solicits contributions from the industry, focusing on the theme of "Durability of Concrete: Crack Control and Repair" for a series of reports. The aim is to introduce the latest research and application progress in this field, help achieve the "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" goal, and add icing on the cake for the healthy and sustainable development of the concrete industry. This special issue includes 22 papers, covering aspects such as material properties research, crack repair technology, construction technology, crack prediction and monitoring, as well as the performance and application of crack resistant concrete. Sincere thanks to all the experts and scholars who have provided high-level papers for this special issue, as well as the reviewers and editors who have worked hard for this special issue. We hope that the content of this special issue can provide reference for the research and application of concrete crack control and repair, and help promote the low-carbon and high-quality development of the industry.       Keywords: Cconcrete; Durability; Crack resistance; Raw material; Mix proportion; Construction technology; Crack prediction; Crack monitoring
英文名 :
刊期 : 2024年第12期
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刊期 : 2024年第12期
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     【编者按】 随着我国经济的快速发展,既有、新建建筑和基础设施的体量愈来愈大,受服役环境影响,考虑其在设计、施工、服役阶段的耐久性能对于保证人们的生命财产安全、实现可持续发展具有重要意义。尤其是在服役阶段,由于外力、环境等因素的影响,大量混凝土结构在未达到设计使用年限时便出现了或大或小的耐久性问题。同时,为助力我国“双碳”目标实现,近年来大量建筑垃圾、工业固废被广泛用作建筑材料,而目前有关此类混凝土结构的长期耐久性能尚缺乏实际工程案例评价。

Special Issue on Durability of Concrete: Crack Control and Repair

     [Editors Note] With the rapid development of China’s economy, the volume of existing and newly built buildings and infrastructure is increasing. Due to the impact of the service environment, considering their durability in the design, construction, and service stages is of great significance for ensuring people’s life and property safety and achieving sustainable development. Especially during the service stage, due to external forces, environmental factors, and other factors, a large number of concrete structures experience varying degrees of durability issues before reaching their designed service life. At the same time, in order to help achieve China’s "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" goals, a large amount of construction waste and industrial solid waste have been widely used as building materials in recent years. However, there is currently a lack of practical engineering case evaluations on the long-term durability of such concrete structures.
      In view of this, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of "China Concrete and Cement Products", we actively solicits contributions from the industry, focusing on the theme of "Durability of Concrete: Crack Control and Repair" for a series of reports. The aim is to introduce the latest research and application progress in this field, help achieve the "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" goal, and add icing on the cake for the healthy and sustainable development of the concrete industry. This special issue includes 22 papers, covering aspects such as material properties research, crack repair technology, construction technology, crack prediction and monitoring, as well as the performance and application of crack resistant concrete. Sincere thanks to all the experts and scholars who have provided high-level papers for this special issue, as well as the reviewers and editors who have worked hard for this special issue. We hope that the content of this special issue can provide reference for the research and application of concrete crack control and repair, and help promote the low-carbon and high-quality development of the industry.
      Keywords: Cconcrete; Durability; Crack resistance; Raw material; Mix proportion; Construction technology; Crack prediction; Crack monitoring





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