

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of hydration heat inhibitor on the hydration reaction of composite cementitious materials with cement-fly ash-mineral powder
Hydration heat inhibitor; Fly ash; Slag; Hydration reaction; Adsorption rate
温东昌1,曾柯林1,杨 蓉2,王雷冲2,肖勋光2
1.中交路桥建设有限公司,北京 101100;2.中山市武汉理工大学先进工程技术研究院, 广东 中山 528400

温东昌1,曾柯林1,杨 蓉2,王雷冲2,肖勋光2


WEN D C,ZENG K L,YANG R,et al.Effect of hydration heat inhibitor on the hydration reaction of composite cementitious materials with cement-fly ash-mineral powder[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):9-13,28.

摘   要:通过改变粉煤灰在矿物掺合料中的占比和水化热抑制剂(TRI)掺量,研究了TRI对水泥-粉煤灰-矿粉复合胶凝材料(复合胶材)水化过程和力学性能的影响,并通过测试TRI的吸附性能分析了其影响机理。结果表明:水泥对TRI的吸附能力最强,TRI虽能显著降低复合胶材早期水化放热速率峰值而不影响最终的水化程度,但会降低复合胶材的早期抗压强度;矿粉对TRI的吸附能力最弱,TRI对矿粉早期水化和火山灰反应的影响较小,且不影响其最终水化;粉煤灰对TRI的吸附能力相对较强,且TRI会严重影响粉煤灰的水化。 Abstract: The influence of hydration heat inhibitor(TRI) on the hydration process and mechanical properties of cement fly ash mineral powder composite cementitious materials(composite cementitious materials) was studied by changing the proportion of fly ash in mineral admixtures and the content of TRI added. The influence mechanism was analyzed by testing the adsorption performance of TRI. The results show that cement has the strongest adsorption capacity for TRI, which can significantly reduce the peak hydration heat release rate of composite cementitious materials in the early stage without affecting the final hydration degree, but will reduce the early compressive strength of composite cementitious materials. The adsorption capacity of mineral powder for TRI is the weakest, and TRI has little effect on the early hydration and volcanic ash reaction of mineral powder, and does not affect its final hydration. Fly ash has a relatively strong adsorption capacity for TRI, and TRI seriously affects the hydration of fly ash.
英文名 : Effect of hydration heat inhibitor on the hydration reaction of composite cementitious materials with cement-fly ash-mineral powder
刊期 : 2024年第12期
关键词 : 水化热抑制剂;粉煤灰;矿粉;水化反应;吸附率
Key words : Hydration heat inhibitor; Fly ash; Slag; Hydration reaction; Adsorption rate
刊期 : 2024年第12期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.12.009.06
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 湖北省住建厅2024年度科技计划项目(2024118)。
作者 : 温东昌1,曾柯林1,杨 蓉2,王雷冲2,肖勋光2
单位 : 1.中交路桥建设有限公司,北京 101100;2.中山市武汉理工大学先进工程技术研究院, 广东 中山 528400

温东昌1,曾柯林1,杨 蓉2,王雷冲2,肖勋光2


WEN D C,ZENG K L,YANG R,et al.Effect of hydration heat inhibitor on the hydration reaction of composite cementitious materials with cement-fly ash-mineral powder[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):9-13,28.


摘   要:通过改变粉煤灰在矿物掺合料中的占比和水化热抑制剂(TRI)掺量,研究了TRI对水泥-粉煤灰-矿粉复合胶凝材料(复合胶材)水化过程和力学性能的影响,并通过测试TRI的吸附性能分析了其影响机理。结果表明:水泥对TRI的吸附能力最强,TRI虽能显著降低复合胶材早期水化放热速率峰值而不影响最终的水化程度,但会降低复合胶材的早期抗压强度;矿粉对TRI的吸附能力最弱,TRI对矿粉早期水化和火山灰反应的影响较小,且不影响其最终水化;粉煤灰对TRI的吸附能力相对较强,且TRI会严重影响粉煤灰的水化。

Abstract: The influence of hydration heat inhibitor(TRI) on the hydration process and mechanical properties of cement fly ash mineral powder composite cementitious materials(composite cementitious materials) was studied by changing the proportion of fly ash in mineral admixtures and the content of TRI added. The influence mechanism was analyzed by testing the adsorption performance of TRI. The results show that cement has the strongest adsorption capacity for TRI, which can significantly reduce the peak hydration heat release rate of composite cementitious materials in the early stage without affecting the final hydration degree, but will reduce the early compressive strength of composite cementitious materials. The adsorption capacity of mineral powder for TRI is the weakest, and TRI has little effect on the early hydration and volcanic ash reaction of mineral powder, and does not affect its final hydration. Fly ash has a relatively strong adsorption capacity for TRI, and TRI seriously affects the hydration of fly ash.



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WEN D C,ZENG K L,YANG R,et al.Effect of hydration heat inhibitor on the hydration reaction of composite cementitious materials with cement-fly ash-mineral powder[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):9-13,28.




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