杨舜太1,吕永进2,杨 俊3,贺 勇1,*,王 聪3
YANG S T,LYU Y J,YANG J,et al.Effect of the expansion agent on the performance of self-compacting concrete mixed with fly ash and slag[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):29-32,46.
杨舜太1,吕永进2,杨 俊3,贺 勇1,*,王 聪3
YANG S T,LYU Y J,YANG J,et al.Effect of the expansion agent on the performance of self-compacting concrete mixed with fly ash and slag[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):29-32,46.
摘 要:研究了膨胀剂掺量(0、8%、10%、12%)对复掺粉煤灰及矿粉自密实混凝土工作性、力学性能、体积稳定性和耐久性能的影响,并分析了作用机理。结果表明:膨胀剂的掺入降低了自密实混凝土的扩展度,当膨胀剂掺量在8%~12%范围内时,其对自密实混凝土扩展度的影响较小;掺入适量膨胀剂能有效提高自密实混凝土的抗压强度和限制膨胀率,降低干燥收缩值、碳化深度和电通量;膨胀剂能与水反应,生成膨胀性结晶水化物钙矾石,适量可提高基体的密实度,补偿混凝土硬化过程中的收缩。
Abstract: The effect of the content of expansion agent(0, 8%, 10% and 12%) on the workability, mechanical property, volume stability and durability of self-compacting concrete mixed with fly ash and slag was investigated, and the action mechanism was analyzed. The results show that, the incorporation of expansion agent reduces the slump-flow of self-compacting concrete, and when the content of expansion agent is 8%~12%, it has small effect on the slump-flow of self-compacting concrete. The incorporation of appropriate content of expansion agent can effectively improve the compressive strength and restricted expansion rate, and reduce the drying shrinkage value, carbonation depth and electric flux of self-compacting concrete. Expansion agent can react with water and generate expansive hydration product ettringite, which improves the matrix compactness and compensates the shrinkage of concrete during hardening.
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