侯旭林1,赵 爽1,曾鲁平1,王 伟1,陈俊松1,赵 峰2
HOU X L,ZHAO S,ZENG L P,et al.Application of C45P8 mass concrete in a landmark core raft foundation[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):83-86,92.
侯旭林1,赵 爽1,曾鲁平1,王 伟1,陈俊松1,赵 峰2
HOU X L,ZHAO S,ZENG L P,et al.Application of C45P8 mass concrete in a landmark core raft foundation[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):83-86,92.
摘 要:依托某地标核心筒筏板基础大体积混凝土工程,在满足C45P8设计要求的前提下,通过原材料优选、配合比优化(降低胶凝材料用量、复掺矿物掺合料、优选外加剂种类)和施工技术调控(浇筑顺序、分层厚度、振捣工艺、养护制度等)来降低大体积混凝土的水化温升,降低开裂风险。结果表明:优选原材料、合理设计配合比,并辅以合适的施工技术措施,可使大体积混凝土的内、外温差小于25 ℃,满足大体积混凝土施工温控技术要求。
Abstract: Based on a landmark core raft foundation mass concrete project, while meeting the design requirements of C45P8, measures were taken to reduce the hydration temperature rise and the cracking risk of mass concrete through raw material selection, mix proportion optimization(reducing the amount of cementitious materials, adding mineral admixtures, optimizing the types of admixtures), and construction technology regulation(pouring sequence, layer thickness, vibration process, curing system, etc.). The results show that by optimizing raw materials, designing reasonable mix proportions, and supplementing with appropriate construction technology measures, the temperature difference between the inside and outside of mass concrete can be reduced to less than 25 ℃, which meets the temperature control technology requirements for mass concrete construction.
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