李 芳1,郑永来2
LI F,ZHENG Y L.Research on damage effect of hydraulic concrete under cyclic impact load[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):105-109.
李 芳1,郑永来2
LI F,ZHENG Y L.Research on damage effect of hydraulic concrete under cyclic impact load[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(12):105-109.
摘 要:水工混凝土结构不仅要遭受船舶撞击荷载作用,而且长期处于海洋环境遭受氯盐腐蚀,导致混凝土结构内部损伤堆积。采用循环冲击荷载模拟船舶靠泊时的撞击力及撞击次数,采用超声波对混凝土损伤度进行量化,并用CT技术进行验证,建立了损伤度与氯离子扩散系数之间的定量关系。结果表明:应力水平存在一个临界值0.6,当应力水平超过0.6时,混凝土的损伤度显著增加;随着损伤度的增加,混凝土的使用寿命降低;损伤度的增加比氯离子侵蚀对混凝土使用寿命的影响更明显。
Abstract: Hydraulic concrete structures not only suffer from ship impact loads, but also suffer from long-term exposure to chloride corrosion in marine environments, resulting in internal damage accumulation of concrete structures. The impact force and number of impacts during ship berthing were simulated using cyclic impact loads. Ultrasonic waves were used to quantify the damage degree of concrete, and CT technology was used for verification. A quantitative relationship between damage degree and chloride ion diffusion coefficient was established. The results indicate that there is a critical value of 0.6 for stress level, and when the stress level exceeds 0.6, the damage degree of concrete significantly increases. As the degree of damage increases, the service life of concrete decreases. The increase in damage has more significant impact on the service life of concrete than chloride ion erosion.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州