张 宇,杨进波*,李瑞超,尹 航,张坤强
ZHANG Y,YANG J B,LI R C,et al.Research on the design method of mortar and concrete based on the water-binder-density ratio law[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2025(1):7-11.
张 宇,杨进波*,李瑞超,尹 航,张坤强
ZHANG Y,YANG J B,LI R C,et al.Research on the design method of mortar and concrete based on the water-binder-density ratio law[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2025(1):7-11.
摘 要:提出了一种基于水胶密度比规律的配合比设计方法,以抗压强度和表观密度为设计目标制备了砂浆和混凝土,对设计目标进行了试验验证,并对比了基于水胶密度比规律设计方法与鲍罗米公式设计方法在计算结果在主要参数上的不同。结果表明:采用基于水胶密度比规律设计方法制备的砂浆与混凝土的表观密度和实测28 d抗压强度与设计目标基本一致,R2分别达到0.891和0.888,且砂浆与混凝土具有可控的工作性;基于水胶密度比规律的设计方法能够实现砂浆与混凝土抗压强度和表观密度的同时设计,具有一定的科学性和实用性。
Abstract: A mix proportion design method based on the water-binder-density ratio law was proposed, and mortar and concrete were prepared with compressive strength and apparent density as design objectives. The design objectives were experimentally verified, and the differences in the main parameters of the calculation results between the design method based on the water-binder-density ratio law and the Baum formula design method were compared. The results show that the apparent density and measured 28 d compressive strength of mortar and concrete prepared by the design method based on the water-binder-density ratio law are basically consistent with the design objectives, with R2 values of 0.891 and 0.888, respectively, and the mortar and concrete have controllable workability. The design method based on the water-binder-density ratio law can achieve the simultaneous design of compressive strength and apparent density of mortar and concrete, and has a certain degree of scientific and practical significance.
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