- 温泉武
摘 要:为抑止混凝土收缩,配制出满足工作性、力学性能、耐久性要求,又经济合理的预制管片用混凝土,依据SL/T 352—2020《水工混凝土试验规程》,通过降低混凝土浆体总量等方法,试验研究了不同水胶比和粉煤灰掺量对管片用混凝土强度的影响。在配合比优选基础上,提出了管片生产浇筑和养护过程中的工艺控制措施,可为管片的生产提供参考。
Abstract: In order to inhibit concrete shrinkage, and prepare precast segment concrete that meets the requirements of workability, mechanical properties and durability, according to the SL/T 352—2020 Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete, the effects of different water binder ratio and fly ash content on concrete strength are studied by reducing the total amount of concrete slurry. On the basis of mix proportion optimization, the precautions in the process of segment production, pouring and maintenance are put forward, which can provide technical solutions for the production site.
WEN Q W.Research Crack Control Technology of Precast Segment Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(1):44-47.