李其廉1,2,刘 毅1,*,敦彦茹3,于子龙4,耿立坤4,陈佳尧1
LI Q L,LIU Y,DUN Y R,et al.Study on uniaxial compressive stress-strain of cement-based grouting and its mixture[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2025(1):12-18,24.
李其廉1,2,刘 毅1,*,敦彦茹3,于子龙4,耿立坤4,陈佳尧1
LI Q L,LIU Y,DUN Y R,et al.Study on uniaxial compressive stress-strain of cement-based grouting and its mixture[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2025(1):12-18,24.
摘 要:掺入30%、50%比例的Ⅲ类水泥基灌浆料制备了混合料,采用普通混凝土力学性能试验方法和工程岩体试验方法研究了Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类水泥基灌浆料及其混合料的力学性能与单轴受压应力-应变关系,建立了立方体抗压强度与轴心抗压强度转化、弹性模量、峰值应变等的计算公式,并基于过镇海模型应力-应变曲线公式,提出了适用于水泥基灌浆料及其混合料的单轴受压本构模型。结果表明:Ⅲ类水泥基灌浆料的韧性高于Ⅳ类水泥基灌浆料;随着Ⅲ类水泥基灌浆料掺量的提高,50%混合料的韧性也得到了一定的提高;过镇海模型拟合曲线与试验曲线总体上吻合较好。
Abstract: A mixture was prepared by adding 30% and 50% of Class Ⅲ cement-based grouting. The mechanical properties and uniaxial compressive stress-strain relationship of Class Ⅲ and Ⅳ cement-based grouting and their mixture were studied using ordinary concrete mechanical property testing methods and engineering rock mass testing methods. Calculation formulas for the conversion between cubic compressive strength and axial compressive strength, elastic modulus, peak strain, etc. were established. Based on the stress-strain curve formula of the Guozhenhai model, a uniaxial compression constitutive model applicable to cement-based grouting materials and its mixtures was proposed. The results indicate that the toughness of Class Ⅲ cement-based grouting is higher than that of Class Ⅳ cement-based grouting. With the increase of the dosage of Class Ⅲ cement-based grouting, the toughness of the mixture has also been improved to a certain extent. The fitting curves of the Guozhenhai model is generally in good agreement with the experimental curves.
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