

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Effect of alkali-activated waste glass powder on mechanical performance and microstructure of cement mortar
Alkali activation; Waste glass powder(WGP); Cement mortar; Mechanical performance; Microstructure
赵 毅,鲍一捷,郭 泳,吴 帅,李青露
中原工学院 智能建造与建筑工程学院,河南 郑州 451191

赵 毅,鲍一捷,郭 泳,吴 帅,李青露


ZHAO Y,BAO Y J,GUO Y,et al.Effect of alkali-activated waste glass powder on mechanical performance and microstructure of cement mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2025(1):86-90.

摘   要:研究了废玻璃粉(WGP)和碱激发剂NaOH掺量对胶砂抗压和抗折强度的影响,并分析了微观结构。结果表明:与纯水泥胶砂试件相比,当体系中未掺NaOH时,WGP的掺入降低了胶砂的抗压和抗折强度;在体系中掺入适量NaOH可有效提高掺WGP胶砂的120 d抗压和抗折强度;各组胶砂试件中均包含方解石、AFt、氢氧化钙(CH)、C-S-H等物相,其中,掺WGP胶砂试件中还包含C-A-S-H;N0组试件中的裂缝数量较少、尺寸较大,N1组、N3组试件呈多缝开裂特征,且裂缝尺寸相对较小;较低NaOH掺量胶砂试件中的C-(A)-S-H呈细长纤维状,较高NaOH掺量胶砂试件中的C-(A)-S-H呈多细孔珊瑚状;在适宜的NaOH掺量下,WGP活性被激发,参与了体系的水化反应。 Abstract: The effects of the contents of waste glass powder(WGP) and alkaline activator(NaOH) on the compressive and flexural strengths of mortar were investigated and the microstructure was analyzed. The results show that, compared with the pure cement mortar specimens, when NaOH is not blended in the system, the incorporation of WGP reduces the compressive and flexural strengths of the mortar. The incorporation of appropriate content of NaOH can effectively improve the 120 d compressive and flexural strengths of the mortar with WGP. All mortar specimens contain calcite, AFt, calcium hydroxide(CH), C-S-H, of which, the mortar specimens with WGP also contain C-A-S-H. The number of cracks in the specimens of N0 group is relatively small and the size of the cracks is large, while the specimens of N1 and N3 group are characterized by multi-cracks, and the size of the cracks is relatively small. The C-(A)-S-H in the mortar specimens with low NaOH content is in the form of elongated fibers, and the C-(A)-S-H in the mortar specimens with high NaOH content is in the form of coral with multiple fine pores. The activity of WGP is stimulated when NaOH content is appropriate, and participates in the hydration reaction of the system.
英文名 : Effect of alkali-activated waste glass powder on mechanical performance and microstructure of cement mortar
刊期 : 2025年第1期
关键词 : 碱激发;废玻璃粉(WGP);水泥胶砂;力学性能;微观结构
Key words : Alkali activation; Waste glass powder(WGP); Cement mortar; Mechanical performance; Microstructure
刊期 : 2025年第1期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2025.01.086.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 : 河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划项目(22B560023)。
作者 : 赵 毅,鲍一捷,郭 泳,吴 帅,李青露
单位 : 中原工学院 智能建造与建筑工程学院,河南 郑州 451191

赵 毅,鲍一捷,郭 泳,吴 帅,李青露


ZHAO Y,BAO Y J,GUO Y,et al.Effect of alkali-activated waste glass powder on mechanical performance and microstructure of cement mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2025(1):86-90.


摘   要:研究了废玻璃粉(WGP)和碱激发剂NaOH掺量对胶砂抗压和抗折强度的影响,并分析了微观结构。结果表明:与纯水泥胶砂试件相比,当体系中未掺NaOH时,WGP的掺入降低了胶砂的抗压和抗折强度;在体系中掺入适量NaOH可有效提高掺WGP胶砂的120 d抗压和抗折强度;各组胶砂试件中均包含方解石、AFt、氢氧化钙(CH)、C-S-H等物相,其中,掺WGP胶砂试件中还包含C-A-S-H;N0组试件中的裂缝数量较少、尺寸较大,N1组、N3组试件呈多缝开裂特征,且裂缝尺寸相对较小;较低NaOH掺量胶砂试件中的C-(A)-S-H呈细长纤维状,较高NaOH掺量胶砂试件中的C-(A)-S-H呈多细孔珊瑚状;在适宜的NaOH掺量下,WGP活性被激发,参与了体系的水化反应。

Abstract: The effects of the contents of waste glass powder(WGP) and alkaline activator(NaOH) on the compressive and flexural strengths of mortar were investigated and the microstructure was analyzed. The results show that, compared with the pure cement mortar specimens, when NaOH is not blended in the system, the incorporation of WGP reduces the compressive and flexural strengths of the mortar. The incorporation of appropriate content of NaOH can effectively improve the 120 d compressive and flexural strengths of the mortar with WGP. All mortar specimens contain calcite, AFt, calcium hydroxide(CH), C-S-H, of which, the mortar specimens with WGP also contain C-A-S-H. The number of cracks in the specimens of N0 group is relatively small and the size of the cracks is large, while the specimens of N1 and N3 group are characterized by multi-cracks, and the size of the cracks is relatively small. The C-(A)-S-H in the mortar specimens with low NaOH content is in the form of elongated fibers, and the C-(A)-S-H in the mortar specimens with high NaOH content is in the form of coral with multiple fine pores. The activity of WGP is stimulated when NaOH content is appropriate, and participates in the hydration reaction of the system.


(1)与纯水泥胶砂试件相比,当体系中未掺NaOH时,WGP的掺入降低了胶砂的抗压和抗折强度;在体系中掺入适量NaOH可有效提高掺WGP胶砂的120 d抗压和抗折强度。当NaOH掺量为1%时,水泥胶砂的120 d抗压强度相对最高;当NaOH掺量为3%时,水泥胶砂的120 d抗折强度相对最高。

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ZHAO Y,BAO Y J,GUO Y,et al.Effect of alkali-activated waste glass powder on mechanical performance and microstructure of cement mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2025(1):86-90.




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