- 甘彬霖1,冯旭海2,3,毕经龙1,姜浩亮2
摘 要:为准确预测高强混凝土(HSC)的强度变化规律,调研收集了225组HSC配合比及其28 d强度数据,对统计变量进行Spearman相关性分析,并基于enter法建立了不同胶凝体系HSC的28 d强度与配合比之间的多元非线性回归模型。分析了不同模型预测值与实际值的散点图、残差图数据分布情况,并结合拟合优度指标和相对误差指标对模型进行了评价。结果表明:硅灰掺量、水胶比、胶凝材料总量和减水剂掺量对HSC的28 d强度影响效果显著,影响程度依次递减,P值均小于0.01;3种胶凝体系HSC强度回归模型的回归效果和预测精度均能满足预测要求。基于本文模型,可通过原材料配合比分别对C-F-Si-G四元胶凝体系、C-F-G三元胶凝体系和C-F二元胶凝体系HSC的28 d抗压强度进行预测。
Abstract: The data base of 225 sets of high-strength concrete(HSC) mix ratio and compressive strength curing for 28 d were established for predicting the strength of HSC accurately. Spearman correlation analysis was performed on statistical variables, and 3 multiple nonlinear regression models of different cementitious systems were established based on the enter method for strength prediction of HSC. The data distribution of scatter plots and residual plots of the predicted values and actual values of different prediction models were analyzed, and the goodness of fit index and the relative error index were also analyzed for model evaluation comprehensively. The results show that the dosage of silica fume, water-binder ratio, binder amount and water reducing agent dosage have a very significant effect on the compressive strength of HSC, the degree of importance decreases successively, and the P value is all less than 0.01. The regression results and prediction accuracy of all the prediction models can meet the prediction requirements. Based on this model, the 28 d compressive strength of HSC of the C-F-Si-G quaternary cementitious system, C-F-G ternary cementitious system and C-F dual cementitious system can be predicted through the different models based on material mixing ratio.
GAN B L,FENG X H,BI J L,et al.Research on the Multiple Nonlinear Regression Prediction Model for Compressive Strength of High-strength Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(2):1-7.