- 张志豪1,2,陈露一1,2,黄有强1,2,盖珂瑜1
摘 要:通过加速劣化试验方法研究了超高性能混凝土(UHPC)在模拟海洋侵蚀环境下的力学和耐久性能。结果表明:海水养护下UHPC的力学性能受开始浸泡时间的影响较小,长期力学性能发展比较稳定;UHPC具有良好的适应性和耐久性能,冻融循环对UHPC性能的影响相对较大,但介质类型对其性能的影响较小;随着硫酸盐干湿循环次数的增加,UHPC的相对动弹性模量和抗压强度耐蚀系数先增加后降低,质量损失增加;硫酸盐干湿循环会导致UHPC表面露出的钢纤维锈蚀,但内部结构无损伤,钢纤维与基体结合紧密。
Abstract: The mechanical properties and durability of ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC) under marine environment were investigated by accelerated deterioration test. The results show that the mechanical properties of UHPC under seawater curing are less affected by the initial immersion time, and the long-term mechanical properties are relatively stable. UHPC has good adaptability and durability. Freeze-thaw cycles have a relatively large effect on UHPC performance, but media type has less effect on UHPC performance. With the increase of the number of dry and wet cycles of sulfate, the relative dynamic elastic modulus and compressive strength corrosion resistance coefficient of UHPC first increase and then decrease, and the mass loss increases. The dry and wet cycles of sulfate lead to steel fiber corrosion on the surface, but the internal structure is not damaged, and the steel fiber is closely combined with the matrix.
ZHANG Z H,CHEN L Y,HUANG Y Q,et al.Study on Mechanical Proporties and Durability of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Under Marine Erosion Environment[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(7):1-4,9.