- 袁焕鑫1,蒋强忠2,杜新喜2,张 帆2,李昌正2
摘 要:为分析钢筋混凝土顶管施工过程中端面开裂情况,考虑材料的几何非线性和混凝土的损伤退化,建立了ABAQUS有限元数值模型。并基于施工现场数据,验证了模型的可靠性,模拟了顶环截面形式、千斤顶布置方式、顶环高度3个参数对顶管断面裂缝的影响。结果表明:在顶进施工条件允许情况下,建议采用均布、对称的千斤顶布置方式;顶环采用闭口截面和适当的高度可减少管体顶进过程中裂缝的产生。
Abstract: In order to analyze the section cracks development of reinforced concrete pipe used for jacking construction, taking the geometric nonlinearity of materials and the damage and degradation of concrete into account, the ABAQUS finite element model was established, and the reliability of the model was verified based on the construction site data. The three influence parameters of jack layout, top ring height and top ring section form on the section cracks were studied. The results show that it is recommended to use symmetric jacks under the premise of permitting construction conditions. The arrangement is more conducive to the force of the pipe body, and the closed cross-section and appropriate height of the top ring are more conducive to control the development of cracks during the pipe body jacking process.
YUAN H X,JIANG Q Z,DU X X,et al.Simulation Analysis on Section Cracks of Reinforced Concrete Pipe used for Jacking Construction[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(11):35-38.