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摘 要:简述了预应力混凝土管桩产品出厂前后混凝土强度检测评定的几种方法,分析了“管桩生产用混凝土强度”和“桩身结构混凝土强度”的不同含义,并提出了在预应力混凝土管桩产品质量监管的不同阶段应关注混凝土质量评价的不同要求。
Abstract: Several methods of testing and evaluating the concrete strength of pretensioned concrete piles before and after delivery are briefly described. The different meanings of "concrete strength for pile production" and "concrete strength for pile structure" are analyzed. The different stages of product quality supervision of prestressed pile are put forward and attention should be paid to the different requirements of concrete quality assessment.
JIANG Y H,KUANG H J.Some Thoughts on Concrete Strength Test and Evaluation of Pretensioned Concrete Piles[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(12):37-40.