- 赵建华1,谢慧晟2,张建宇1,凌良建2,周红燕3,吕 嘉2
选择不同灌浆料制作了标准试件和模拟孔道PVC管试件,根据DB32/T 3754—2020《装配整体式混凝土结构检测技术规程》的要求,基于标准试件的抗压强度和模拟孔道PVC管试件的表面硬度建立了灌浆料测强曲线,分析了测强曲线对灌浆料龄期和抗压强度的适用性。结果表明:在灌浆料龄期≥14 d或抗压强度≥60 MPa的情况下,采用DB32/T 3754—2020中的方法建立的灌浆料测强曲线的适用性更强,可为实际工程中不同灌浆料实体抗压强度检测时间的选取提供参考。
Different sleeve grouting materials were selected to make standard test pieces and PVC pipe test pieces with simulated channels. According to the requirements of DB32/T 3754—2020 Technical Specification for Inspection of Monolithic Precast Concrete Structure, the strength curve of the grouting material was established based on the compressive strength of standard test pieces and the surface hardness of PVC pipe test pieces with simulated channels, and the applicability of the strength curve to the age and compressive strength was analyzed. The results show that when the age of grouting material is ≥14 days or the compressive strength of grouting material is ≥60 MPa, the strength test curve of grouting material established by the method in DB32/T 3754—2020 is more applicable, which can provide a reference for the selection of the testing time of the solid compressive strength of different grouting materials in practical projects.
ZHAO J H,XIE H S,ZHANG J Y,et al.Study on the Applicability of Grouting Material Strength Curve to Age and Compressive Strength[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(4):85-87,92.