DU G W, LIU X K, DU Z Q,et al.Research on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete with High Fluidity[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(6):53-55.
DU G W, LIU X K, DU Z Q,et al.Research on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete with High Fluidity[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(6):53-55.
摘 要:在纤维总体积掺率不超过1%的情况下,采用钢纤维、塑钢纤维以及聚丙烯纤维单掺、双掺和三掺配制得到了高流动度纤维增强混凝土;通过稠度试验、抗压试验和劈裂试验,对比分析了纤维混杂方式和纤维混掺比例对基体混凝土工作性能、抗压强度以及劈裂强度的影响规律。结果表明,在混凝土中掺加0.25%~0.35%的引气剂可显著改善混杂纤维增强混凝土的坍落度和坍落扩展度;钢纤维/塑钢纤维/聚丙烯三元混杂可显著提高基体混凝土的抗压强度和劈裂强度最大分别提高了25%和32.61%。;综合考虑混凝土工作性能和力学性能,CF60大流动混杂纤维增强混凝土的纤维混掺比例选定为0.6%SF、0.2%HF、0.11%PPF,引气剂建议掺量为0.35%。
Abstract: With the total volume fraction of the steel fiber below 1%, the hybrid fiber reinforced concrete is prepared by adding steel fiber, steel fiber and polypropylene fiber single, double or triple. Based on the consistency test, compression test and splitting test, the effects of fiber mixing mode and fiber mixing ratio on the working performance, compressive strength and splitting strength of the concrete are analyzed. The results show that the working performance of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete can significantly improve by adding air entraining agent with ration ranging from 0.25% to 0.35%; SF/HF/PPF HFRC can significantly improve the compressive strength and splitting strength of the matrix concrete with 25% and 32.61% respectively. On the basis of the working performance and mechanical property, the most suitable fibers proportion of CF60 is 0.6% SF, 0.2% HF and 0.11% PPF .And the reasonable ratio of air entraining agent is 0.35%.
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