- 徐 品
摘 要:结合近几年超高性能混凝土(UHPC)项目的前期试验研究成果和现场施工技术要求,分析了UHPC施工配合比的影响因素,指出了UHPC施工质量通病,并提出了相应的防治措施,总结了UHPC低温和高温现场施工的关键技术要点,并对UHPC现场检测方法进行了展望,可为UHPC现场施工提供参考。
Abstract: Based on the previous experimental research results and on-site construction technical requirements of ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC) projects in recent years, the influencing factors of UHPC construction mix proportion are analyzed, the common quality defects in UHPC construction are pointed out and the corresponding prevention measures are put forward, the key technical points of UHPC low and high temperature construction are summarized, and the on-site testing methods for UHPC are prospected, which can provide a reference for UHPC on-site construction.
XU P.On-Site Construction Points of Ultra-High Performance Concrete(UHPC)[J].China Concrete and Cement Product,2023(5):74-78.