王 生1,郭佳奇1,刘彦清2,赵 营1
WANG S, GUO J Q, LIU Y Q,et al.Experimental Research and Engineering Application on Mix Proportion of Sleeve Valve Grouting Used by Casing Materials[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(6):76-81.
王 生1,郭佳奇1,刘彦清2,赵 营1
WANG S, GUO J Q, LIU Y Q,et al.Experimental Research and Engineering Application on Mix Proportion of Sleeve Valve Grouting Used by Casing Materials[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(6):76-81.
摘 要:依托湖北某客运专线涵路过渡段采用袖阀管注浆加固法治理路基沉降工程,开展了袖阀管注浆用套壳料配合比室内试验研究,依据试验结果分析了套壳料各掺料对套壳料强度及其拌合物初凝、终凝时间的影响规律;结合工程特点,确定了该客运专线病害治理中袖阀管注浆加固用套壳料的合理配比,现场应用效果表明该配比较为合适,研究成果可为运营高铁路基沉降病害治理提供借鉴。
Abstract: Based on the test of the compaction ratio of the casing and the grouting material of the sleeve valve tube, the influence of the shell material on the transition section of a passenger line of Wuhan Passenger Dedicated Line was analyzed by the sleeve valve pipe grouting reinforcement method. Based on the characteristics of the project, the reasonable proportion of the shell material for the grouting pipe reinforcement was determined. The effect indicates that the ratio is appropriate. The results provide a reference for the management of the settlement of high-speed railway subsidence.
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