王 军
WANG J.Simulation Calculation Analysis of Shield Construction on Stability of Subway[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(6):82-85.
王 军
WANG J.Simulation Calculation Analysis of Shield Construction on Stability of Subway[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2017(6):82-85.
摘 要:以南京地铁十四号线工程盾构施工为依托,借助ANSYS有限元软件,针对该工程中的翠屏山隧道建立了三维数模进行仿真计算与分析。计算结果表明,地铁隧道盾构施工对翠屏山隧道周围土体扰动较小,后者整体保持稳定,未出现大的异变;最大应变区域发生在翠屏山隧道中心区域,隧道底板最大下沉量为18.2mm,建议在该区域加密抗拔桩,以减小土体变形。
Abstract: Based on the shield construction of Nanjing Metro Line No.14, ANSYS finite element software is used to establish the 3D model of Cuipingshan Tunnel for simulation calculation and analysis. The results show that the subway shield tunnel construction has little influence on the surrounding soil of Cuipingshan Tunnel, the surrounding soil can maintain the overall stability and has no major changes. The maximum strain occurred in the center area of Cuipingshan Tunnel floor area, the maximum subsidence quantity is 18.2mm, which indicates that the uplift pile should be increased density to reduce soil deformation.
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