

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00



  • 肖智慧1,李中军2,吕 伟1,胡 彪1,唐 涛1
摘   要:利用电石渣对原状磷石膏进行了改性处理,制备了改性磷石膏-矿渣粉-水泥三元胶凝材料,将三元胶凝材料、骨料、水按一定比例混合均匀制得了磷石膏路基稳定材料。计算了磷石膏路基稳定材料在生产阶段的能耗和碳排放量,并与普通水稳材料进行了对比分析。结果表明:磷石膏路基稳定材料在生产过程中的电耗为6.09 (kW·h)/t、油耗为1.09 L/t、煤耗为0.38 kgce/t、综合能耗为2.48 kgce/t,相比普通水稳材料可节约综合能耗59.28%;磷石膏路基稳定材料在生产过程中会产生12.57 kgCO2/t,相比普通水稳材料可减少76.87%的碳排放量。 Abstract: The undisturbed phosphogypsum was modified by calcium carbide slag, and the modified phosphogypsum-slag-cement ternary cementitious material was prepared. The ternary cementitious material, coarse aggregates, and water were mixed in a certain proportion to produce phosphogypsum roadbed stabilizing material. The energy consumption and carbon emission of phosphogypsum roadbed stabilizing material were calculated, and compared with those of ordinary water stabilizing material. The results show that the power consumption of phosphogypsum roadbed stabilizing material in the production process is 6.09 (kW·h)/t, the oil consumption is 1.09 L/t, the coal consumption is 0.38 kgce/t, and the comprehensive energy consumption is 2.48 kgce/t, which can save 59.28% of the comprehensive energy consumption compared with ordinary water stabilizing material. Phosphogypsum roadbed stabilizing materials produce 12.57 kgCO2 /t in the production process, which can reduce 76.87% of carbon emission compared with ordinary water stabilizing material.
肖智慧,李中军,吕伟,等.磷石膏路基稳定材料的节能减排效益分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(7):99-102. XIAO Z H,LI Z J,LYU W,et al.Benefits analysis of energy saving and emission reduction of phosphogypsum roadbed stabilizing material[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(7):99-102.
  • 夏 平
摘   要:在水泥与脱硫灰总掺量(15.00%)不变的情况下,研究了脱硫灰的种类(重钢脱硫灰、鄂钢脱硫灰)和掺量(11.25%、12.00%)对水泥脱硫灰稳定再生骨料混合料力学性能和耐久性能的影响。结果表明:随着脱硫灰掺量的增加,混合料的无侧限抗压强度、间接抗拉强度、抗压回弹模量均降低;相同脱硫灰掺量下,水泥重钢脱硫灰稳定再生骨料混合料的无侧限抗压强度、间接抗拉强度、抗压回弹模量均比水泥鄂钢脱硫灰稳定再生骨料混合料的低;与纯水泥稳定再生骨料混合料(对照组)相比,水泥脱硫灰稳定再生骨料混合料的抗冻性能较差,但干缩性能有明显改善;水泥脱硫灰稳定再生骨料混合料的重金属浸出毒性符合相关标准要求。 Abstract: When the total content of cement and desulfurization ash (15.00%) remained unchanged, the effects of the types ( Chongqing steel desulfurization ash, Hubei steel desulfurization ash) and contents (11.25%, 12.00%) of desulfurization ash on the mechanical properties and durability of cement-desulfurization ash stabilized recycled aggregate mixture were studied. The results show that with the increase of desulfurization ash content, the unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength, compressive modulus of resilience of the mixture decrease. Under the same content, the unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength, compressive modulus of resilience of cement-Chongqing steel desulfurization ash stabilized recycled aggregate mixture are lower than those of cement-Hubei steel desulfurization ash stabilized recycled aggregate mixture. Compared with the pure cement stabilized recycled aggregate mixture(control group), the cement-desulfurization ash stabilized recycled aggregate mixture has poor frost resistance, but significant improvement in dry shrinkage performance. The leaching toxicity of heavy metal of cement-desulfurization ash stabilized recycled aggregate mixture meets the requirements of relevant standards.
夏平.干法脱硫灰对水泥稳定再生骨料混合料性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(7):95-98,102. XIA P.Effect of dry desulfurization ash on performance of cement stabilized recycled aggregate mixtures[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(7):95-98,102.
  • 许建华1,2,杜国伟3,刘向坤3,*,彭 颢3
摘   要:研究了Ⅱ级粉煤灰-S75级矿粉复合掺合料的掺量(20%、25%、30%、35%)对核工程混凝土工作性、力学性能和耐久性能的影响,并与单掺和复掺Ⅰ级粉煤灰与S95级矿粉的混凝土进行了对比。结果表明:经超细粉磨后,Ⅱ级粉煤灰和S75级矿粉的颗粒形貌得到改善,趋于圆润光滑;相同掺量下,与单掺和复掺Ⅰ级粉煤灰与S95级矿粉的试验组相比,掺复合掺合料混凝土的工作性更好,力学、抗冻、抗氯离子渗透和抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能更优;随着复合掺合料掺量的增加,混凝土的坍落度、抗压强度、相对动弹性模量和抗压强度耐蚀系数均先增大后减小,质量损失率和氯离子扩散系数均先减小后增大,其最佳掺量为30%。 Abstract: The effects of the content(20%, 25%, 30%, 35%) of the grade Ⅱ fly ash and S75 slag powder composite admixture on the workability, mechanical properties and durability of nuclear engineering concrete were studied, and compared with the concrete mixed with grade Ⅰ fly ash or S95 slag powder. The results show that after ultrafine grinding, the particle morphology of grade Ⅱ fly ash and S75 slag powder is improved and tends to be round and smooth. At the same content, the workability of concrete mixed with composite admixture is better than that of the test groups mixed with grade Ⅰ fly ash and S95 slag powder, and the mechanical properties, frost resistance, chloride ion penetration resistance and sulfate corrosion resistance are better. With the increase of the content of composite admixture, the slump, compressive strength, relative dynamic elastic modulus and compressive strength corrosion resistance coefficient of concrete first increase and then decrease, and the mass loss rate and chloride ion diffusion coefficient first decrease and then increase,  and the optimum content of composite admixture is 30%.
许建华,杜国伟,刘向坤,等.粉煤灰-矿粉复合掺合料对核工程混凝土性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(7):90-94. XU J H,DU G W,LIU X K,et al.Influence of fly ash and slag powder composite admixture on the performance of nuclear engineering concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(7):90-94.
  • 杨燕英1,陈 正2,3,*,李 静2,3,韦京利2,3,张黎昕2,3,李腾宇2,3
摘   要:为了研究不同配合比的火山灰浆液改性再生粗骨料对混凝土性能的影响,通过正交试验对比分析了改性和未改性再生粗骨料的吸水率、表观密度和压碎指标,探讨了改性再生粗骨料对混凝土力学性能和抗氯盐侵蚀性能的影响。结果表明:与未改性再生粗骨料相比,改性再生粗骨料的吸水率和表观密度增大,压碎指标减小;在火山灰浆液中掺入30%复合掺合料后,随着复合掺合料中粉煤灰掺量的增加,再生混凝土的抗压强度降低,氯离子扩散系数增大;在火山灰浆液中掺入适量稻壳灰后,再生混凝土的抗压强度提高,氯离子扩散系数减小;在火山灰浆液中掺入适量分散剂后,再生混凝土的抗压强度降低,氯离子扩散系数增大;综合考虑再生混凝土的力学性能和抗氯盐侵蚀性能,火山灰浆液的最佳配合比为矿粉掺量30%、稻壳灰掺量3%、不掺粉煤灰和分散剂。 Abstract: In order to study the effects of different proportions of pozzolanic ash slurry modified recycled coarse aggregates on the performance of concrete, the water absorption, apparent density and crushing index of modified and unmodified recycled coarse aggregates were compared through orthogonal tests, and the effects of modified recycled coarse aggregates on the mechanical properties and resistance to chloride corrosion of concrete were discussed. The results show that compared with unmodified recycled coarse aggregates, the water absorption and apparent density of modified recycled coarse aggregates increase, while the crushing index decreases. When 30% composite admixture is added into the pozzolanic ash slurry, the compressive strength of recycled concrete decreases, and the chloride ion diffusion coefficient increases with the increase of the content of fly ash in the composite admixture. The compressive strength of recycled concrete increases and the chloride ion diffusion coefficient decreases when the pozzolanic ash slurry is mixed with appropriate content of rice husk ash. The compressive strength of recycled concrete decreases and the chloride ion diffusion coefficient increases when appropriate content of dispersant is added into the pozzolanic ash slurry. Considering the mechanical properties and resistance to chloride corrosion of recycled concrete, the optimal proportion of pozzolanic ash slurry is 30% content of mineral powder, 3% content of rice husk ash, and no fly ash or dispersant.
杨燕英,陈正,李静,等.火山灰浆液改性再生粗骨料对混凝土性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(7):85-89. YANG Y Y,CHEN Z,LI J,et al.Effects of recycled coarse aggregates modified by pozzolanic ash slurry on the performance of concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(7):85-89.


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