- 王泽生1,董田良1,曾彦生1,李昱洁1,段 平2
摘 要:固定疏浚底泥的掺量为50%,通过调整m水泥∶m石膏∶m矿渣设计制备了免烧陶粒,对比了改性前后免烧陶粒的筒压强度、吸水率和软化系数。此外,为了提高免烧陶粒的软化系数并降低水泥掺量,采用单纯形重心混料设计方法优化了免烧陶粒的配合比。结果表明:当底泥掺量固定为50%时,随着水泥掺量的增加,未改性和改性免烧陶粒的筒压强度和软化系数基本呈增大趋势,吸水率基本呈降低趋势;与未改性免烧陶粒相比,改性免烧陶粒的筒压强度和软化系数增大,吸水率降低;优化后的最佳m水泥∶m石膏∶m矿渣为0.60∶0.10∶0.30,此时,制备的改性免烧陶粒的软化系数为0.88,满足相关标准要求,且筒压强度较高,吸水率较低。
Abstract: Under the condition of a fixed dredged sediment content of 50%, non-sintered ceramsite was prepared by adjusting the design of mcement∶mgypsum∶mslag, and the cylinder compressive strength, water absorption rate, and softening coefficient of non-sintered ceramsite before and after modification were compared. In addition, in order to improve the softening coefficient of non-sintered ceramsite and reduce the cement content, the mix proportion of non-sintered ceramsite was optimized by using the monomorphic center of gravity mixing design method. The results show that when the content of dredged sediment is fixed at 50%, with the increase of cement content, the cylinder compressive strength and softening coefficient of unmodified and modified non-sintered ceramsite show an increasing trend, while the water absorption rate shows a decreasing trend. Compared with unmodified non-sintered ceramsite, the cylinder compressive strength and softening coefficient of modified non-sintered ceramsite increase, while the water absorption rate decreases. The optimized optimal mix proportion is that mcement∶mgypsum∶mslag is 0.60:0.10:0.30, and the softening coefficient of the prepared modified non-sintered ceramsite is 0.88, which can meet the requirements of relevant standards, and the cylinder compression strength is high and the water absorption rate is low.
WANG Z S,DONG T L,ZENG Y S,et al.Study on mix proportion design and softening coefficient optimization of dredged sediment based non-sintered ceramsite[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):83-87.