

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00



  • 王泽生1,董田良1,曾彦生1,李昱洁1,段 平2
摘   要:固定疏浚底泥的掺量为50%,通过调整m水泥∶m石膏∶m矿渣设计制备了免烧陶粒,对比了改性前后免烧陶粒的筒压强度、吸水率和软化系数。此外,为了提高免烧陶粒的软化系数并降低水泥掺量,采用单纯形重心混料设计方法优化了免烧陶粒的配合比。结果表明:当底泥掺量固定为50%时,随着水泥掺量的增加,未改性和改性免烧陶粒的筒压强度和软化系数基本呈增大趋势,吸水率基本呈降低趋势;与未改性免烧陶粒相比,改性免烧陶粒的筒压强度和软化系数增大,吸水率降低;优化后的最佳m水泥∶m石膏∶m矿渣为0.60∶0.10∶0.30,此时,制备的改性免烧陶粒的软化系数为0.88,满足相关标准要求,且筒压强度较高,吸水率较低。 Abstract: Under the condition of a fixed dredged sediment content of 50%, non-sintered ceramsite was prepared by adjusting the design of mcement∶mgypsum∶mslag, and the cylinder compressive strength, water absorption rate, and softening coefficient of non-sintered ceramsite before and after modification were compared. In addition, in order to improve the softening coefficient of non-sintered ceramsite and reduce the cement content, the mix proportion of non-sintered ceramsite was optimized by using the monomorphic center of gravity mixing design method. The results show that when the content of dredged sediment is fixed at 50%, with the increase of cement content, the cylinder compressive strength and softening coefficient of unmodified and modified non-sintered ceramsite show an increasing trend, while the water absorption rate shows a decreasing trend. Compared with unmodified non-sintered ceramsite, the cylinder compressive strength and softening coefficient of modified non-sintered ceramsite increase, while the water absorption rate decreases. The optimized optimal mix proportion is that mcement∶mgypsum∶mslag is 0.60:0.10:0.30, and the softening coefficient of the prepared modified non-sintered ceramsite is 0.88, which can meet the requirements of relevant standards, and the cylinder compression strength is high and the water absorption rate is low.
王泽生,董田良,曾彦生,等.疏浚底泥基免烧陶粒的配合比设计及软化系数优化研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):83-87. WANG Z S,DONG T L,ZENG Y S,et al.Study on mix proportion design and softening coefficient optimization of dredged sediment based non-sintered ceramsite[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):83-87.
  • 叶晨峰1,2
摘   要:研究了聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)掺量对钢渣混凝土工作性、力学性能和抗碳化性能的影响,并进行了XRD分析。结果表明:掺入适量钢渣微粉会使混凝土的流动度下降,凝结时间延长,28 d的抗压、抗折强度下降,抗碳化性能提高;随着PAM掺量的增加,钢渣混凝土的流动度先增大后减小,凝结时间延长,28 d抗折强度先增大后减小,28 d抗压强度减小,碳化深度先减小后增大。 Abstract: The effects of the content of polyacrylamide (PAM) on the workability, mechanical properties, and carbonation resistance of steel slag concrete were studied, and the XRD analysis was conducted. The results show that adding an appropriate content of steel slag powder can reduce the fluidity of concrete, prolong the setting time, decrease the 28 d compressive and flexural strength, and improve the carbonization resistance. With the increase of PAM content, the fluidity of steel slag concrete first increases and then decreases, the setting time prolongs, the 28 d flexural strength first increases and then decreases, the 28 d compressive strength decreases, and the carbonization depth first decreases and then increases.
叶晨峰.聚丙烯酰胺对钢渣混凝土性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):88-92. YE C F.Effect of polyacrylamide on properties of steel slag concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):88-92.
  • 任双倩1,赵世冉1,宋 心2,王 欢2,袁倩男1
摘   要:研究了m粉煤灰∶m矿粉(1∶0、2∶1、1∶1、1∶2、0∶1)对普通硅酸盐水泥-硫铝酸盐水泥(OPC-SAC)基路面修补材料凝结时间、流动度、抗压强度、拉伸黏结强度和水化放热行为的影响。结果表明:掺入粉煤灰和矿粉会降低OPC-SAC基路面修补材料的水化放热量和水化放热速率,延长凝结时间,增大流动度,降低抗压强度,提高拉伸黏结强度;随着矿物掺合料中矿粉占比的增大,OPC-SAC基路面修补材料的凝结时间延长,流动度、抗压强度和拉伸黏结强度均先增大后减小,最佳m粉煤灰∶m矿粉为1∶2。 Abstract: The effects of mfly ash∶mmineral powder (1∶0, 2∶1, 1∶1, 1∶2, 0∶1) on the setting time, fluidity, compressive strength, tensile bond strength and hydration exothermic behavior of ordinary Portland cement-sulphoaluminate cement(OPC-SAC) based pavement repair materials were studied. The results show that adding fly ash and mineral powder can reduce the hydration heat release and hydration heat release rate of OPC-SAC based pavement repair materials, extend the setting time, increase fluidity, reduce compressive strength, and improve tensile bond strength. As the content of mineral powder in the admixture increases, the setting time of OPC-SAC based pavement repair materials is prolonged, and the fluidity, compressive strength, and tensile bond strength first increase and then decrease. The optimal ratio of mfly ash∶mmineral powder is 1∶2.
任双倩,赵世冉,宋心,等.粉煤灰和矿粉对OPC-SAC基路面修补材料性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):93-96,104. REN S Q,ZHAO S R,SONG X,et al.Effect of fly ash and mineral powder on performance of OPC-SAC based pavement repair materials[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):93-96,104.
  • 赵寅山1,张小兵2,*
摘   要:采用硬脂酸和乙醇改性铁尾矿石,制备了超疏水铁尾矿石,研究了硬脂酸的掺量(2%、4%、6%、8%、10%、12%)对超疏水铁尾矿石疏水性的影响,分析了超疏水铁尾矿石的掺量(0、10%、20%、30%)对混凝土疏水性、工作性和吸水率的影响。结果表明:随着硬脂酸掺量的增加,超疏水铁尾矿石的水接触角先增大后减小,当硬脂酸掺量为8%时,超疏水铁尾矿石的水接触角为153°,达到超疏水状态;随着超疏水铁尾矿石掺量的增加,混凝土的疏水性提高,稠度增大,吸水率降低。 Abstract: Superhydrophobic iron tailings stone was prepared by modifying iron tailings powder with stearic acid and ethanol. The effects of the content of stearic acid (2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%) on the hydrophobicity of superhydrophobic iron tailings stone were studied, and the influence of the content of superhydrophobic iron tailings stone (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%) on the hydrophobicity, workability, and water absorption of concrete was analyzed. The results show that with the increase of stearic acid content, the water contact angle of superhydrophobic iron tailings stone first increases and then decreases. When the stearic acid content is 8%, the water contact angle of superhydrophobic iron tailings stone is 153°, reaching a superhydrophobic state. With the increase of the content of superhydrophobic iron tailings stone, the hydrophobicity of concrete increases, the consistency increases, and the water absorption rate decreases.
赵寅山,张小兵.超疏水铁尾矿石的制备及其对混凝土性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):97-100. ZHAO Y S,ZHANG X B.Preparation of superhydrophobic iron tailings stone and its effect on performance of concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):97-100.
  • 郭俊峰,王 锴,马晓耘
摘   要:为了探究低温下矿物掺合料的水化活性,通过净浆抗压强度试验和XRD测试,对比研究了偏高岭土、粉煤灰和矿渣分别在常温[(20±2)℃]和低温(5 ℃)环境下的水化活性。结果表明:与常温情况相比,低温下,掺矿物掺合料试件中的Ca(OH)2衍射峰增强,Ca(OH)2主峰面积增大,说明低温在一定程度上抑制了胶凝体系的水化程度;低温对粉煤灰的早期水化活性降低最明显,其次是偏高岭土,对矿渣的早期水化活性影响相对较小;低温对偏高岭土的后期水化活性降低最明显,其次是粉煤灰,对矿渣的后期水化活性影响相对较小。 Abstract: In order to investigate the hydration activity of mineral admixtures at low temperatures, the hydration activity of metakaolin, fly ash, and slag were compared and studied through compressive strength tests and XRD tests at room temperature[(20±2)℃] and low temperature(5 ℃) environments, respectively. The results show that compared with room temperature, the diffraction peak of Ca(OH)2 and the main peak area of Ca(OH)2 in the specimen with mineral admixtures are enhanced at low temperature, indicating that low temperature inhibits the hydration degree of the cementitious system to some extent. Low temperature has the most significant effect on the early hydration activity of fly ash, followed by metakaolin, which has a relatively small impact on the early hydration activity of slag. Low temperature has the most significant effect on the later hydration activity of metakaolin, followed by fly ash, which has a relatively small impact on the later hydration activity of slag.
郭俊峰,王锴,马晓耘.低温环境对矿物掺合料水化活性的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):101-104. GUO J F,WANG K,MA X G.Effect of low temperature environment on hydration activity of mineral admixtures[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):101-104.
GB/T 11836—2023《混凝土和钢筋混凝土 排水管》主要条款解读
GB/T 11836—2023《混凝土和钢筋混凝土 排水管》主要条款解读
  • 王春蓉,钮如嵩,沈丽华,潘从玲,夏如茜,邓稚川
王春蓉,钮如嵩,沈丽华,等.GB/T 11836—2023《混凝土和钢筋混凝土排水管》主要条款解读[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):76-82. WANG C R,NIU R S,SHEN L H,et al.Interpretation of main provisions in GB/T 11836—2023 Concrete and reinforced concrete sewer pipes[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):76-82.
  • 秦 康1,2,张志豪3,刘敬敏3,王新建2,*
摘   要:针对目前预制混凝土叠合板板端伸出筋在运输及施工过程中存在的问题,设计了一种板端不出筋预制混凝土叠合板,即通过在板端纵筋位置处预留凹槽,拼接施工时采用附加钢筋通过凹槽进行连接。并利用ANSYS有限元软件,模拟分析了板端不出筋预制混凝土叠合板与整体式叠合板及密拼式叠合板的承载能力、混凝土开裂趋势以及附加钢筋的受力形式。结果表明:板端不出筋预制混凝土叠合板在力学性能方面与整体式叠合板相当,且由于附加钢筋的存在,预制底板与现浇混凝土层实现了有效传力。 Abstract: In response to the problems existing in the transportation and construction process of extending steel bars prefabricated concrete composite slabs, a new type prefabricated concrete composite slabs without extending bar at the end of the slab was designed. A groove was reserved at the longitudinal bar position at the end of the slab, and additional bars were used for connection during splicing construction. ANSYS finite element software was used to compare the bearing capacity, the cracking trend of concrete and the stress forms of additional bars of the new type composite slab with those of the integrated composite slab and the dense splicing composite slab. The results show that the mechanical properties of the new type prefabricated concrete composite slab are equivalent to those of the integral composite slab, and due to the additiona bars, the effective force transmission between the precast bottom plate and the cast-in-place concrete layer is achieved.
秦康,张志豪,刘敬敏,等.新型板端不出筋预制混凝土叠合板的设计及性能模拟研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):64-68. QIN K,ZHANG Z H,LIU J M,et al.Design and properties numerical study of a new type prefabricated concrete composite slabs without extending bar at the end of the slab[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):64-68.
  • 徐 笑,钟岱辉*
徐笑,钟岱辉.粘滞阻尼器在RC框架结构中的消能减震设计与分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):69-75. XU X,ZHONG D H.Design and analysis of viscous dampers for energy dissipation and shock absorption in RC frame structure[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):69-75.
  • 韩乐冰1,2,齐晓琳3,袁化强4,李永浩4,徐兴伟1,2,李 文1,2,牛 腾1,2
摘   要:通过四点弯曲试验研究了钢纤维和PVA纤维混掺比例对超高性能混凝土(UHPC)弯曲性能的影响,利用数字图像相关(DIC)技术分析了UHPC的裂缝发展规律。结果表明:在混杂纤维总掺量(2.0%)不变的情况下,随着PVA纤维掺量的增加,UHPC的抗弯强度下降,峰值挠度基本先增大后减小,裂缝数量先增大后减小,裂缝分布均匀性先提升后降低;总体上,混杂纤维UHPC的弯曲性能比单掺钢纤维UHPC的弯曲性能好,钢纤维和PVA纤维混掺时的最佳掺量分别为1.6%和0.4%,此时,UHPC的抗弯强度降幅仅为1.99%,但峰值挠度、裂缝数量显著提高,裂缝分布均匀性明显提升。 Abstract: The influence of the mixing ratio of steel fiber and PVA fiber on the bending performance of Ultra-High Performance Concrete(UHPC) was studied through the four point bending test, and the crack development pattern of UHPC was analyzed by using Digital Image Correlation(DIC) method. The results show that, when the total content of hybrid fibers(2.0%)  remains unchanged, with the increase of PVA fiber content, the bending strength of UHPC decreases, the peak deflection basically increases and then decreases, the number of cracks first increases and then decreases, and the uniformity of crack distribution first improves and then decreases. Overall, the bending performance of hybrid fiber reinforced UHPC is better than that of UHPC with steel fiber, and the optimal mixing ratio of steel fiber and PVA fiber is 1.6% and 0.4%. At this time, the bending strength of UHPC decreases by only 1.99%, but the peak deflection and number of cracks significantly increase, and the uniformity of crack distribution significantly improves.
韩乐冰,齐晓琳,袁化强,等.钢-PVA混杂纤维UHPC的弯曲性能试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):54-59. HAN L B,QI X L,YUAN H Q,et al.Experimental study on bending performance of steel-PVA hybrid fiber reinforced UHPC[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):54-59.
  • 许建华1,2,杜国伟3,刘向坤3
摘   要:根据“华龙一号”核电工程PX泵房蜗壳区钢筋混凝土结构设计要求,设计了掺多功能外加剂的高性能纤维增强混凝土,研究了混凝土的工作性、力学性能、抗氯离子渗透性能和收缩性能。结果表明:掺或不掺多功能外加剂的混凝土工作性、力学性能、抗氯离子渗透性能和收缩性能均满足工程要求;多功能外加剂的掺入对混凝土的坍落度、抗压强度和氯离子扩散系数影响不大,但能显著提高混凝土的先水中14 d后空气中14 d的限制膨胀率,提高混凝土的补偿收缩能力;工程应用结果表明,掺多功能外加剂的混凝土在连续生产期间的28 d抗压强度符合相关标准中的控制要求,标准差仅为2.72 MPa,说明混凝土的质量稳定、可控。 Abstract: According to the design requirements of reinforced concrete structure in PX pump house volute area of "HPR1000" nuclear power project, the high performance fiber reinforced concrete mixed with multifunctional additives was designed, and the workability, mechanical properties, chloride ion penetration resistance and shrinkage performance of concrete were studied. The results show that the workability, mechanical properties, chloride ion penetration resistance, and shrinkage performance of concrete with or without multifunctional additives meet the engineering requirements. The addition of multifunctional additives has little effect on the slump, compressive strength, and chloride ion diffusion coefficient of concrete, but it can significantly increase the limited expansion rate of concrete in water for 14 days and in air for 14 days, and improve the compensating shrinkage ability of concrete. The engineering application results show that the 28 d compressive strength of concrete mixed with multifunctional additives during continuous production meets the control requirements of relevant standards, with a standard deviation of only 2.72 MPa, indicating that the quality of concrete is stable and controllable.
许建华,杜国伟,刘向坤.核电工程PX泵房蜗壳区纤维增强混凝土的性能研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2023(8):60-63,75. XU J H,DU G W,LIU X K.Study on performance of fiber reinforced concrete of PX pump house volute area in nuclear power engineering[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):60-63,75.


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