- 许满吉1,2,赵海川1,3,肖志强1,3,王小彪1,王 俊4,方 涛4,朱张峰4,*,管东芝5
摘 要:基于实际工程,设计了一种新型双向预应力装配式地铁车站通道(装配式通道)结构,其预制节段端部采用企口形式,纵、横向均通过预应力筋后张法进行连接。通过有限元软件对比分析了装配式通道与现浇结构的应力及变形性能,并在此基础上深化设计了企口纵向长度、纵向预应力筋张拉应力和截面积、预制节段串接数量,确定了装配式通道的结构优化方案,并通过有限元分析验证了其力学性能。结果表明,优化后具有更高强度和刚度。
Abstract: Based on the actual project, a new structure of two-way prestressed prefabricated metro station passageway (prefabricated passageway)was designed, the end section of the prefabricated segment was tongue-and-groove, and the longitudinal and transverse directions were connected by the post-tensioning of the prestressed tendons. Through the finite element analysis, the concrete stress and structural deformation were compared with the cast-in-place structure. Further deepen design was carried out on the longitudinal length of the nozzle, the tensile stress and cross-sectional area of the longitudinal prestressing tendons, and the number of prefabricated passageway segments in series. The optimization scheme of the prefabricated passageway was determined, and its mechanical properties were verified. The results show that the optimized structure has higher strength and stiffness.
XU M J,ZHAO H C,XIAO Z Q,et al.Structure and its mechanical performance analysis of two-way prestressed prefabricated metro station passageway[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2023(8):37-41,59.