- 赵金全1,刘 衡1,丁永刚1,*,周 龙2,孙 蕾3
摘 要:为了提高散装粮食平房仓墙体保温隔热性能,提出了一种新型“结构-隔热”一体化墙板(SIW墙板)。通过试验和数值模拟,分析了保温板厚度、连接件等对SIW墙板热工性能的影响,揭示了内、外叶墙板温度、热流密度随时间的变化规律,得到了SIW墙板的传热系数,基于传热系数指标开展了SIW墙板在不同储粮生态区的适用性评价。结果表明:相较于传统平房仓砖砌墙体,保温板厚度为50 mm和80 mm的SIW墙板传热系数分别降低了45.81%和56.13%;GFRP连接件在SIW墙板中的热桥效应不显著,对墙板温度场的影响较小;相较于保温板厚度为50 mm的SIW墙板,80 mm厚的SIW墙板能满足3个储粮生态区对粮食平房仓墙体传热性能的要求。
Abstract: In order to improve the thermal insulation performance of granary walls, a new type of granary wall panel with "structural-insulation" integrated wall panels(SIW) was proposed. Through the experimental study and numerical simulation, the influence of thickness of insulation boards and connectors on the thermal performance of SIW wall panels was analyzed, the change rule of temperature and heat flux of interior and outer wall panels with time was analyzed, the heat transfer coefficients of SIW wall panels was obtained, and the evaluation of the applicability of SIW wall panels in different grain storage ecological zones was carried out based on the index of heat transfer coefficient. The results show that compared with the traditional granary walls, the heat transfer coefficients of SIW wall panels with insulation board thickness of 50 mm and 80 mm are reduced by 45.81% and 56.13%, respectively. The thermal bridging effect of GFRP connectors in SIW wall panels is not significant and has a small effect on the temperature field of the wall panels. Compared to SIW wall panels with a thickness of 50 mm, the 80 mm thickness SIW wall panels can satisfy the requirements of heat transfer performance of granary walls in three grain storage ecological zones.
ZHAO J Q,LIU H,DING Y G,et al.Study on thermal performance of "structure-insulation" integrated wall panels for bulk grain granary[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(1):67-73.