- 叶 芳1,2,赵 鹏1,2,施俊航3,吴仁杰3,陈柯宇3,夏 晋3,*
摘 要:采用基于电磁感应原理的无损检测方法,研究了混凝土中钢纤维的体积掺量(0~1.85%)、钢筋的直径(6~20 mm)、间距(100 mm、200 mm)和保护层厚度(20 mm、40 mm)与电磁信号值的关系。结果表明:随着钢纤维体积掺量的增加,电磁信号值增大;随着钢筋直径的增加,电磁信号值基本呈增大趋势;钢筋的间距和保护层厚度越大,电磁信号值越小;钢筋钢纤维混凝土的电磁信号值由钢纤维与钢筋产生的电磁信号值叠加而成;当钢筋间距大于100 mm时,相邻钢筋之间的电磁信号基本无影响;根据电磁信号波谷均值可检验和评定钢筋钢纤维混凝土中的钢纤维体积掺量是否合格;根据曲线的峰值和峰值出现位置可检验钢筋直径和钢筋所在位置是否合格。
Abstract: Using a non-destructive testing method based on the electromagnetic induction principle, the relationship between the volume content (0~1.85%) of steel fiber in concrete, the diameter (6~20 mm), spacing (100 mm, 200 mm), and protective layer thickness(20 mm, 40 mm) of steel bar with electromagnetic signal values was studied. The results show that as the volume content of steel fiber increases, the electromagnetic signal value increases. As the diameter of steel bar increases, the electromagnetic signal value generally shows an increasing trend. The larger the spacing and the protective layer thickness, the smaller the electromagnetic signal value. The electromagnetic signal value of steel reinforced concrete with steel fiber is formed by the superposition of the electromagnetic signal values generated by the steel fiber and the steel bar. When the spacing between steel bars is greater than 100 mm, the electromagnetic signal between adjacent steel bars has little effect. According to the mean valley value of electromagnetic signals, it is possible to test and evaluate whether the volume content of steel fiber in steel reinforced concrete with steel fiber is qualified. The diameter and the location of steel bar can be checked for compliance based on the peak value and the position of peak value of the curve.
YE Fang, ZHAO Peng, SHI Junhang,et al.Study on non-destructive testing method of steel reinforced concrete with steel fiber based on electromagnetic induction principle[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(4):77-81.