

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00



  • 吴 锐1,王超林1,*,夏 晔2,张 坤1
摘   要:研究了电解锰渣粉等质量取代0、10%、20%、30%、40%、50%的水泥对混凝土孔结构和力学性能的影响。结果表明:不同电解锰渣粉掺量试件中大孔、中孔、小孔的连通性均较差,且小孔数量较多;随着电解锰渣粉掺量的增加,试件中的孔隙数量增多,孔隙率增大,抗压强度降低,弹性模量基本呈降低趋势;与基准组相比,掺电解锰渣粉试件的应力-应变曲线的压密阶段和峰后失稳破坏阶段明显变长,说明延性有所提高。 Abstract: The effects of replacing 0, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% of cement with electrolytic manganese slag powder on the pore structure and mechanical properties of concrete were studied. The results show that the connectivity of macropores, mesopores, and micropores in specimens with different contents of electrolytic manganese slag powder is poor, and there are more micropores. With the increase of the content of electrolytic manganese slag powder, the number of pores in the specimen increases, the porosity increases, the compressive strength decreases, and the elastic modulus basically shows a decreasing trend. Compared with the benchmark group, the compression stage and post peak instability failure stage of the stress-strain curve of the specimen mixed with electrolytic manganese slag powder are significantly longer, indicating an improvement in ductility.
吴锐,王超林,夏晔,等.电解锰渣粉对混凝土孔结构及力学性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):94-97. WU Rui, WANG Chaolin, XIA Ye,et al.Effect of electrolytic manganese slag powder on pore structure and mechanical properties of concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):94-97.
  • 王春福,王瑜玲
摘   要:基于“双碳”背景,总结了废玻璃粉的物理化学性质及其活性激发方式(机械粉磨、化学活化、高温激发、纳米改性),综述了废玻璃粉对水泥基材料工作性、水化反应、力学性能和耐久性能的影响,并对废玻璃粉的未来研究和应用方向进行了展望,可为提高废玻璃的资源化利用率和助力水泥行业的碳减排提供参考。 Abstract: Based on the background of "Double-Carbon", the physical and chemical properties, and several commonly used activation methods(mechanical grinding, chemical activation, high-temperature excitation, nano modification) of waste glass powder are summarized. The effects of waste glass powder on the workability, hydration reaction, mechanical properties, and durability of cement-based materials are summarized, and the future research and application directions of waste glass powder are discussed, which can provide reference for improving the resource utilization rate of waste glass and assisting the carbon reduction of the cement industry.
王春福,王瑜玲.废玻璃粉在水泥基材料中的研究和应用进展[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):98-103. WANG C F,WANG Y L.Research and application progress of waste glass powder in cement- based materials[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):98-103.
  • 付鹏辉
摘   要:研究了煤矸石分别等体积替代粗骨料、细骨料(0、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%)对混凝土工作性、干表观密度和力学性能的影响。结果表明:掺入煤矸石粗骨料或细骨料总体上会导致混凝土的工作性、干表观密度和力学性能下降;综合考虑,推荐煤矸石粗骨料或细骨料的掺量均为5%。 Abstract: The effects of gangue replacing coarse and fine aggregates (0, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%) in equal volume on the workability, dry apparent density and mechanical properties of concrete were studied. The results show that the addition of gangue coarse or fine aggregates generally leads to a decrease in workability, dry apparent density and mechanical properties of concrete. The recommended content of gangue coarse aggregate or fine aggregate is 5%.
付鹏辉.煤矸石掺量对混凝土性能的影响研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):104-108. FU P H.Research on the effect of gangue content on concrete properties[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):104-108.
GS土体硬化剂对车站基坑加固土抗渗 性能的影响
GS土体硬化剂对车站基坑加固土抗渗 性能的影响
  • 王社江1,袁志刚2,薛永健1,李德猛2,王 飞1
摘   要:基于苏州某地铁车站基坑工程,研究了GS土体硬化剂对不同养护龄期下的粉质黏土和粉砂夹粉土抗渗性能的影响,并进行了现场试验验证。结果表明:掺入GS土体硬化剂能有效提高粉质黏土和粉砂夹粉土的抗渗性能,且随着GS土体硬化剂掺量和养护龄期的增加,提高效果更好;GS土体硬化剂在现场试桩试验中的应用效果较好,可为其在相关工程中的进一步推广应用提供参考。 Abstract: Based on the foundation pit project of a subway station in Suzhou, the influence of GS soil hardening agent on the impermeability performance of silty clay and silty sand mixed with silty soil at different curing ages was studied, and on-site tests were conducted to verify the results. The results show that the addition of GS soil hardening agent can effectively improve the impermeability of silty clay and silty sand mixed with silty soil, and the improvement effect is better with the increase of GS soil hardening agent content and curing age. The application effect of GS soil hardening agent in on-site pile testing is good, which can provide reference for its further promotion and application in related engineering.
王社江,袁志刚,薛永健,等.GS土体硬化剂对车站基坑加固土抗渗性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,109-111 WANG S J,YUAN Z G,XUE Y Jet al.Effect of GS soil hardening agent on impermeability performance of soil for station foundation pit[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):109-111.
  • 王德民1,谷亚军2,郭耀雄2,柏严松3,梁磊涛3,朱国军1,李治祥1
摘   要:以苏州某超长地铁车站大体积混凝土工程为依托,研究了温控型钙镁复合膨胀剂对大体积混凝土抗裂防渗性能的影响,分析了大体积混凝土结构不同部位内部温度及应变随时间的变化规律。结果表明:掺入膨胀剂后,大体积混凝土不同部位的抗裂防渗能力大小为基础底板>基础顶板>负一层外墙>负二层外墙;基础顶板温度修正后的应变值大小为上表面>下表面>中心;膨胀剂具有调控水泥水化放热速率和微膨胀补偿收缩的双重作用,可有效提高超长地铁车站大体积混凝土的抗裂防渗性能。 Abstract: Based on the mass concrete project of a super long subway station in Suzhou, the influence of temperature-controlled calcium-magnesium composite expansion agent on anti-cracking and anti-seepage property of mass concrete was studied, and the variation rules of internal temperature and strain with time in different parts of mass concrete structure were analyzed. The results show that after adding the expansion agent, the ability of anti-cracking and anti-seepage of different parts of the mass concrete is foundation slab > foundation roof > negative first-layer external wall > negative second-layer external wall. The strain value after temperature correction of the foundation roof is the upper surface > bottom surface > center. The expansion agent has the dual role of regulating the rate of cement hydration heat release and compensating for micro expansion shrinkage, and it can effectively improve the anti-cracking and anti-seepage property of the mass concrete in super long subway station.
王德民,谷亚军,郭耀雄,等.地铁车站大体积混凝土温控抗裂防渗性能研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):86-89,93. WANG D M,GU Y J,GUO Y X,et al.Research on temperature-controlled anti-cracking and anti-seepage property of mass concrete in subway stations[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):86-89,93.
  • 罗德立
摘   要:为了解决成达万高铁资阳沱江大桥C60主塔混凝土高空养护作业难、开裂风险高等问题,通过单掺降黏剂、复掺降黏剂和抗裂剂对C60主塔混凝土的配合比进行了优化设计。结果表明:与基准组相比,单掺降黏剂、复掺降黏剂和抗裂剂均可改善混凝土的孔结构,降低孔隙率、干燥收缩和绝热温升,提高混凝土的抗裂性;与单掺降黏剂相比,复掺降黏剂和抗裂剂对混凝土的抗压强度略有不利,但仍满足设计要求,且对温度裂缝的抑制效果略差。 Abstract: In order to solve the problems of difficult high-altitude curing operation and high cracking risk of C60 main tower concrete of Ziyang Tuojiang Bridge of Chengdu-Dazhou-Wanzhou high-speed railway, the mix proportions of C60 main tower concrete was optimized by adding single viscosity reducer, compound viscosity reducer and anti-cracking agent. The results show that compared with the benchmark group, single addition of viscosity reducer, and compound addition of viscosity reducer and anti-cracking agent can improve the pore structure of concrete, reduce porosity, drying shrinkage and adiabatic temperature rise, and improve the crack resistance of concrete. Compared with single addition of viscosity reducer, compound addition of viscosity reducer and anti-cracking agent has a slightly unfavorable effect on the compressive strength of concrete, but still meets the design requirements and has a slightly poorer inhibition effect on the temperature cracks.
罗德立.成达万高铁资阳沱江大桥C60高抗裂主塔混凝土的研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):90-93. LUO D L.Study on the C60 high crack resistance main tower concrete of Ziyang Tuojiang Bridge of Chengdu-Dazhou-Wanzhou high-speed railway[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):90-93.
  • 吴申瑜1,2,曾鲁平1,2,*,王 伟1,2,赵 爽1,2,乔 敏1,2,陈俊松1,2,朱伯淞1,2,洪锦祥1,2
摘   要:对比了我国5个有关液体无碱速凝剂标准中的检测项目、指标和试验方法,对实际试验过程中存在的问题进行了归纳总结,探究了不同试验方法对液体无碱速凝剂检测结果的影响。结果表明:采用离子色谱法对液体无碱速凝剂中的游离氟离子含量进行定性检测相对准确;采用150 ℃卤素水分测定仪可实现液体无碱速凝剂产品生产线快速检测,且根据其测得的含固量与直接烘干法测得的含固量偏差在±1%以内;与常温稳定性相比,低温(-10 ℃)稳定性问题主要为黏度增大、上层分层、底部结晶或沉淀等;无振动、采用典型或代用振动台振动均会造成基准砂浆表面泌水,使实际水灰比低于理论值0.50;适当降低灰砂比有利于改善基准砂浆的泌水问题;采用基准水泥时,按1.0 MPa抗压强度限值要求,受检砂浆的6 h和8 h抗压强度合格率分别为30%和40%。 Abstract: The test items, indicators and test methods in five domestic standards for liquid alkali-free flash setting admixtures were compared, and the problems existing in the actual test process were summarized. The influence of different test methods on the test results of liquid alkali-free flash setting admixtures was explored. The results show that based on ion chromatography method, the free fluoride ion content of liquid alkali-free flash setting admixtures can be determined qualitatively, with relatively accurate results. The rapid detection of solid content of liquid alkali-free flash setting admixtures can be realized by using Halogen moisture meter method at 150 ℃, and the deviation of test results is limited within ±1% compared to direct drying method. Compared with room temperature stability, the stability issues at low temperatures (-10 ℃) mainly include increased viscosity, upper layer layering, bottom crystallization or precipitation, etc. No vibration, using a typical or substitute vibration table vibration can cause surface bleeding of reference mortar, resulting in the actual water cement ratio lower than the theoretical value of 0.50. Reducing the cement sand ratio of reference mortar is beneficial for improving the bleeding problem. When using reference cement, according to the requirement of 1.0 MPa compressive strength limit, the qualification rates of 6 h and 8 h compressive strength of the tested mortar are 30% and 40%, respectively.
吴申瑜,曾鲁平,王伟,等.试验方法对喷射混凝土用液体无碱速凝剂检测结果的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):78-85. WU S Y,ZENG L P,WANG W,et al.Influence of test method on test results of liquid alkali-free flash setting admixtures for shotcrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):78-85.
  • 周玲玲1,李升才1,*,林文聪2,郑建英3,涂燕周4,郑建生5
摘   要:为了评价节能砌块隐形密框复合墙体(以下简称复合墙体)受火后的滞回特性,制作了6个缩尺比例为1∶2的试件,并对试件进行了双面受火试验和受火后平面内循环往复加载试验,研究了轴压比、受火时间对墙体骨架曲线及滞回特性的影响。基于试验结果和现有恢复力模型理论,考虑轴压比和受火时间影响,提出了适用于受火后墙体试件的退化四线型恢复力模型。相关计算分析结果表明:计算得到的骨架曲线与试验情况以及计算得到的恢复力模型与墙体滞回曲线吻合程度均较好,表明提出的恢复力模型可较好地反映轴压比和受火时间对其滞回特性的影响,可为该墙体的结构弹塑性分析及工程应用提供参考。 Abstract: In order to evaluate th hysteretic behavior of the energy-saving block and invisible multi-ribbed frame composite wall(composite wall) after fire, six 1∶2 reduced scale specimens were prepared. And the specimens were tested under double-sided fire and subjected to an in-plane cyclic load. The influences of axial compression ratio and fire time on the skeleton curve and hysteretic characteristics of the composite walls were studied. According to the test results and the existing theory of restoring force model, a regressive four-fold line restoring force model suitable for the walls considering the influence of axial compression ratio and fire time was proposed. The relevant calculation and analysis results show that the calculated skeleton curve is in good agreement with the experimental skeleton curve. The calculated restoring force model is consistent with the hysteresis curve of the wall, which shows that the proposed restoring force model can better reflect the influence of the axial compression ratio and the fire time on its hysteretic characteristics, and can provide reference for structural elastic-plastic analysis and engineering application of the wall.
周玲玲,李升才,林文聪,等.节能砌块隐形密框复合墙体双面受火后滞回特性研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):66-72. ZHOU L L,LI S C,LIN W C,et al.Study on the hysteretic behavior of energy-saving block and invisible multi-ribbed frame composite wall subjected to double-side fire[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):66-72.
  • 韩 磊,李应权,扈士凯,陈志纯,任强伟,黄文辉
摘   要: 通过测试吸水率、孔洞微观形貌,研究了矿物掺合料(矿渣粉、粉煤灰、硅灰)、聚合物乳液(氯丁胶乳液、苯丙乳液、硬质环氧乳液)、憎水剂(有机硅、硬脂酸钙)对泡沫混凝土吸水性能的影响,并对作用机理进行了阐述。结果表明:矿渣粉对吸水率的影响程度有限,粉煤灰可在一定程度上降低吸水率,硅灰的加入显著提高了吸水率;三种聚合物乳液对吸水率的影响程度由大到小依次为氯丁胶乳液>苯丙乳液>硬质环氧乳液;憎水剂能有效降低吸水率,其中硬脂酸钙的效果明显好于有机硅;憎水剂在合适掺量范围内能有效降低孔洞缺陷率,同时由于其本身具有较好的疏水特性,进而可显著降低材料的吸水率。 Abstract:The effects of mineral admixtures(slag powder, fly ash and silica fume),polymer emulsions(neoprene emulsion, styrene-acrylic emulsion and hard epoxy emulsion) and hydrophobic agents(silicone, calcium stearate) on water absorption of foamed concrete were studied by measuring water absorption and pore morphology, and the reasons were explained. The results show that the influence of slag powder on water absorption is limited, fly ash can reduce water absorption to a certain extent, and silica fume significantly increases water absorption. The influence degree of the three polymer emulsions on water absorption in turn is neoprene emulsion>styrene-acrylic emulsion>hard epoxy emulsion.Hydrophobic agents can effectively reduce water absorption, and the effect of calcium stearate is obviously better than that of silicone. The hydrophobic agent can effectively reduce the hole defect rate of pore-wall in a appropriate dosage range, in addition, it has a good hydrophobic property, the interaction of these two effects make the material show a low water absorption rate.
韩磊,李应权,扈士凯,等.原材料对泡沫混凝土吸水性能的影响研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):73-77. HAN L,LI Y Q,HU S K,et al.Study on the influence of raw materials on water absorption of foamed concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):73-77.
  • 王 军,刘晓峰,陈镇衫,罗 西,余 辉,廖树基
摘   要:研究了胶凝材料组成比例、钢纤维类型(平直型、端钩型)对含粗骨料超高性能混凝土(UHPC)强度尺寸效应、工作性和收缩性能的影响,分析了减缩剂掺量(0~2.0%)对含粗骨料UHPC收缩性能、力学性能、抗氯离子渗透性能和孔结构的影响。结果表明:适当增加粉煤灰掺量有利于改善含粗骨料UHPC的工作性,降低收缩;掺入钢纤维降低了含粗骨料UHPC的工作性,但抑制了收缩,且端钩型钢纤维抑制效果更显著;掺入1%钢纤维能够有效降低含粗骨料UHPC的强度尺寸效应,且平直型钢纤维的降低效果更好;掺入减缩剂明显降低了含粗骨料UHPC的收缩,但会使抗压强度降低,总孔隙率增大,抗氯离子渗透性能变差。 Abstract: The effects of the composition ratio of cementitious materials and the type of steel fibers (straight and end-hooked) on the strength size effect, workablity and shrinkage properties of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) with coarse aggregates were investigated, and the effects of the content of shrinkage reducing agent (0~2.0%) on the shrinkage properties, mechanical properties, chloride ion penetration resistance and pore structure of UHPC with coarse aggregates were analyzed. The results show that increasing the content of fly ash appropriately is conducive to improving the workability and reducing the shrinkage of UHPC with coarse aggregates. The addition of steel fibers reduces the workability of UHPC with coarse aggregates, but inhibits the shrinkage, and the suppression effect is more significant with end-hooked steel fibers. Adding 1% content of steel fibers effectively reduces the strength size effect of UHPC with coarse aggregates, and the reduction effect of the straight steel fibers is better. The addition of shrinkage reducing agent obviously reduces the shrinkage of UHPC with coarse aggregates, but reduces the compressive strength, increases the total porosity, and deteriorates the chloride ion penetration resistance.
王军,刘晓峰,陈镇衫,等.含粗骨料UHPC的强度尺寸效应与性能研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):51-56. WANG J,LIU X F,CHEN Z S,et al.Study on strength size effect and performance of UHPC with coarse aggregates[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):51-56.


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