

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00



  • 何 康1,屈 伸2,*
摘   要:基于伸缩因子函数的变形方法和蒙特卡罗方法,建立了由骨料、砂浆和二者之间的界面过渡区构成的混凝土随机骨料模型。采用有限单元法对混凝土随机骨料模型的抗压强度、应力峰值、应力分布、损伤状态等力学性能进行了数值计算,从细观尺度上分析了混凝土的损伤破坏过程及裂缝形貌特征。结果表明:在单轴压缩荷载作用下,混凝土首先在薄弱区域的界面过渡区处发生拉应力和剪应力集中,产生初始损伤;然后损伤扩展至水泥砂浆,形成贯穿裂缝;最终,导致混凝土承载力失效。 Abstract: Based on the deformation method of expansion factor function and Monte Carlo method, a concrete random aggregate model composed of aggregate, mortar and the interface transition zone between the two was established. The mechanical properties of the concrete random aggregate model, such as compressive strength, stress peak, stress distribution and damage state were analyzed by finite element method. The damage and failure process and crack morphology characteristics of concrete were analyzed at a microscopic scale. The results show that concrete first experiences tensile and shear stress concentration at the Interface transition zone in weak areas under uniaxial compression load. At this time, the initial damage occurs. Then the damage extends to the cement mortar, and finally forms the connection crack, resulting in the failure of the concrete bearing capacity.
何康,屈伸.单轴压缩荷载作用下混凝土损伤破坏的细观力学分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):1-6. HE K,QU S.Meso-mechanical analysis of concrete damage under uniaxial compression load[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):1-6.
  • 李忠宝1,王 峰1,宗元春1,苗浩禹2
摘   要:试验研究了初始损伤与硫酸盐腐蚀共同作用下混凝土的性能变化,建立了典型井壁混凝土硫酸盐腐蚀力学模型,分析了不同腐蚀时间井壁混凝土的承载力与裂缝的发展过程。结果表明:在初始损伤与硫酸盐腐蚀共同作用下,随着腐蚀龄期的延长,混凝土的抗压强度先增加后降低,弹性模量基本降低;混凝土的初始损伤越严重、腐蚀溶液浓度越高,混凝土的抗压强度增幅越小,降幅越大,弹性模量降低速率及降幅均越大;所建立的模型对井壁混凝土的腐蚀情况预测结果相对较好,受腐蚀井壁混凝土在受竖向压力破坏的过程中,裂缝朝着井壁外侧发展,破坏前内侧井壁混凝土并无征兆,危害性较大。 Abstract: The performance changes of concrete under the combined action of initial damage and sulfate corrosion were studied, and a typical sulfate corrosion mechanical model of wellbore wall concrete was established. The bearing capacity and crack development process of wellbore wall concrete at different corrosion times were analyzed. The results show that under the joint action of initial damage and sulfate corrosion, as the corrosion age prolongs, the compressive strength of concrete first increases and then decreases, and the elastic modulus basically decreases. The more severe the initial damage of concrete and the higher the concentration of corrosive solution, the smaller the increase and greater the decrease in compressive strength of concrete, and the greater the rate and magnitude of decrease in elastic modulus. The established model has relatively good prediction results for the corrosion of wellbore wall concrete. During the process of vertical pressure damage to the corroded wellbore wall concrete, cracks develop towards the outer side of the wellbore wall, and there is no sign of damage to the inner wellbore wall concrete before damage, indicating greater harm.
李忠宝,王峰,宗元春,等.初始损伤与硫酸盐耦合作用下混凝土的力学性能演化规律研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):7-11,16. LI Z B,WANG F,ZONG Y C,et al.Study on the evolution law of mechanical properties of concrete under the coupling of initial damage and sulfate[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):7-11,16.
  • 张克永1,李春锦2,黄 盛1,汪保印2,任 强2,蒋正武2,*
摘   要:研究了不同机制砂MB值(0.75、2.75)对掺石粉混凝土的工作性、力学性能的影响。结果表明:机制砂MB值的增加会降低混凝土的工作性;当机制砂MB值较小时,适当的石粉掺量可以在一定程度上改善混凝土的工作性,但机制砂MB值过大对混凝土工作性的负面影响远大于石粉的正面影响;对于纯水泥或单掺粉煤灰组试件,机制砂MB值的增加会降低其抗压强度;而对于掺石粉的试件,机制砂MB值的增加会小幅提高其抗压强度;总体上,机制砂MB值对掺石粉混凝土抗压强度的影响相对较小。 Abstract: The influence of different MB values of manufactured sand (0.75, 2.75) on the workability and mechanical properties of concrete with stone powder was studied. The results indicate that an increase in the MB value of manufactured sand will reduce the workability of concrete. When the MB value of manufactured sand is small, an appropriate content of stone powder can improve the workability of concrete to a certain extent, but the negative impact of excessive MB value of manufactured sand on the workability of concrete is much greater than the positive impact of stone powder. For pure cement or single fly ash specimens, an increase in the MB value of the manufactured sand will reduce the compressive strength. For specimens mixed with stone powder, an increase in the MB value of manufactured sand will slightly increase the compressive strength. Overall, the influence of MB value of manufactured sand on the compressive strength of concrete with stone powder is relatively small.
张克永,李春锦,黄盛,等.机制砂MB值对掺石粉混凝土性能的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):12-16. ZHANG K Y,LI C J,HUANG S,et al.Effect of the MB value of manufactured sand on properties of concrete with stone powder[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):12-16.
  • 李 响1,王佳男1,胡江海1,付文翔1,徐 方2,*
摘   要:采用基于响应面法(RSM)的D-optimal最优化设计方法设计了超高性能混凝土(UHPC)净浆配合比,研究了复合胶凝材料组分对UHPC净浆湿堆积密实度、力学性能、干燥收缩性能的影响,结合XRD、SEM等微观测试结果分析了复合胶凝材料组分间的相互作用机理。结果表明:粉煤灰和硅灰可有效提高UHPC净浆的湿堆积密实度,优化基体内部颗粒堆积状态;硫铝酸盐水泥和粉煤灰对UHPC净浆的早期强度影响显著,掺入硫铝酸盐水泥可大幅提高UHPC净浆的早期力学性能。 Abstract: The D-optimal optimization design method based on response surface methodology(RSM) was used to design the slurry proportion of ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC). The influence of composite cementitious material components on wet packing density, mechanical properties, and drying shrinkage performance of UHPC slurry was studied, and the interaction mechanism between composite cementitious material components was analyzed by using XRD, SEM, and other microscopic test results. The results show that fly ash and silica fume can effectively improve the wet packing density of UHPC slurry and optimize the particle packing state inside the matrix. Sulfoaluminate cement and fly ash have a significant impact on the early strength of UHPC slurry. Adding sulfoaluminate cement can significantly improve the early mechanical properties of UHPC slurry.
李响,王佳男,胡江海,等.基于响应面法的UHPC复合胶凝材料体系优化研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):17-22,28. LI X,WANG J N,HU J H,et al.Optimization study of ultra-high performance concrete composite cementitious material system based on response surface method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):17-22,28.
  • 逄鲁峰1,2,安昊文1,3,*,赵淑静4,王 恒2
摘   要:以乙二醇单乙烯基聚乙二醇(EPEG)为大单体,调节丙烯酸羟乙酯和丙烯酸羟丙酯与大单体的摩尔质量比,以巯基丙酸为链转移剂,双氧水与次磷酸钠为氧化还原体系,并用中和溶剂调节减水剂母液pH值,制备了一种适用于离心喷雾干燥技术的粉末状缓释型聚羧酸减水剂PC-1000。通过正交试验确定了合成PC-1000粉末的最佳工艺参数为酸醚比3.0,酯醚比4.5,链转移剂用量0.36 %(占大单体的质量比),母液pH值为8。性能测试结果表明,通过离心喷雾技术制备出的PC-1000粉末在净浆测试中2 h流动度无损失,表现出优异的保坍效果。PC-1000粉末已在灌浆料和压浆料中成功应用。 Abstract: Ethylene glycol monovinyl polyethylene glycol (EPEG) was used as large monomer to adjust the molar mass ratio of hydroxyethyl acrylate and hydroxyl propyl acrylate to large monomer. By using mercaptopropionic acid as chain transfer agent, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypophosphate as oxidation-reduction system, and adjusting the pH value of the mother liquor of the polycarboxylate superplasticizer with neutralizer, a kind of powder set retarding polycarboxylate superplasticizer PC-1000 powder suitable for centrifugal spray drying was prepared. The optimum process parameters are determined by the orthogonal test as follows. Acid ether ratio is 3.0, ester ether ratio is 4.5, and chain transfer agent content is 0.36%(mass ratio of large monomer). The performance test results show that the PC-1000 powder prepared by centrifugal spray technology has no loss of fluidity in 2 h in the actual slurry test, showing excellent slump retention effect. PC-1000 powder has been successfully applied in grout and pressed slurry.
逄鲁峰,安昊文,赵淑静,等.粉末状缓释型聚羧酸减水剂的制备及性能研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):23-28. PANG L F,AN H W,ZHAO S J,et al.Preparation and properties of set retarding type polycarboxylate superplasticizer powder[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):23-28.
  • 吴承卉,李俊虎*,杨英豪,雷 航
摘   要:采用原位聚合法制备了以脲醛树脂为囊壁、环氧树脂GCC-135为囊芯的微胶囊,以抗压强度恢复率为指标评价了微胶囊的修复性能,研究了干燥养护、浸水养护(干养、湿养)条件下不同微胶囊掺量(水泥质量的0、1.5%、3.0%、4.5%、6.0%)对砂浆试件的修复效果。结果表明:在干养、湿养条件下,随着微胶囊掺量的增加,试件的抗折强度、抗压强度均降低;在不同微胶囊掺量下,干养试件的抗压强度恢复率为106.60%~124.29%,湿养试件的抗压强度恢复率为98.74%~110.12%,湿养条件下的修复效果明显低于干养条件;随着微胶囊掺量的增加,其修复效果先增加后略微降低,当微胶囊掺量为4.5%时,微胶囊的修复效果最佳。 Abstract: Microcapsules with urea formaldehyde resin as the wall and epoxy resin GCC-135 as the core were prepared by in-situ polymerization method. The self-healing performance of microcapsules was evaluated by using compressive strength recovery rate as an indicator. The repair effect of different microcapsule contents(0, 1.5%, 3.0%, 4.5%, 6.0% of cement mass) on mortar specimens was studied under dry curing and immersion curing (dry curing, wet curing). The results show that under dry and wet curing conditions, as the content of microcapsules increases, the flexural strength and compressive strength of the specimens decrease. Under different microcapsule contents, the compressive strength recovery rate of dry curing specimens is 106.60%~124.29%, and the compressive strength recovery rate of wet curing specimens is 98.74%~110.12%. The repair effect under wet curing conditions is significantly lower than that under dry curing. As the content of microcapsules increases, the repair effect first increases and then slightly decreases. When the content of microcapsules is 4.5%, the repair effect of microcapsules is the best.
吴承卉,李俊虎,杨英豪,等.水泥基自修复微胶囊的制备及其修复效果研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):29-33. WU C H,LI J H,YANG Y H,et al.Study on preparation of cement-based self-healing microcapsules and its repair effects[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):29-33.
  • 吴振元1,曾路实2,汪 洋3,李 华3,4,王育江3,4
摘   要:对比研究了相同配合比条件下,机制砂和天然砂对C35混凝土的力学性能及体积变形的影响。结果表明:机制砂混凝土的力学性能明显优于天然砂混凝土;180 d时,机制砂混凝土的抗压强度较天然砂混凝土提高了15.3%,劈裂抗拉强度提高了4.3%;90 d时,机制砂混凝土的静弹性模量较天然砂混凝土提高了5.8%;机制砂混凝土的体积变形明显大于天然砂混凝土,180 d时,机制砂混凝土较天然砂混凝土的自收缩增大了约16.4%;机制砂中石粉掺量不宜过大,否则会显著增大混凝土的收缩开裂。 Abstract: The effects of mechanism sand and natural sand on the mechanical properties and volume deformation of C35 concrete under the same mix proportion conditions were studied. The results show that the mechanical properties of manufactured sand concrete are significantly better than those of natural sand concrete. At 180 d, the compressive strength of manufactured sand concrete increases by 15.3% compared to natural sand concrete, and the splitting tensile strength increases by 4.3%. At 90 d, the static elastic modulus of manufactured sand concrete increases by 5.8% compared to natural sand concrete. The volume deformation of manufactured sand concrete is significantly greater than that of natural sand concrete. At 180 d, the self-shrinkage of manufactured sand concrete increases by about 16.4% compared to natural sand concrete. The content of stone powder in the manufactured sand should not be too large, otherwise it will significantly increase the shrinkage and cracking of concrete.
吴振元,曾路实,汪洋,等.机制砂混凝土的力学性能及体积变形试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):34-36,41. WU Z Y,ZENG L S,WANG Y,et al.Experimental study on mechanical properties and volume deformation of manufactured sand concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):34-36,41.
  • 孟涵敬,罗 州,刘 俐*
摘   要:介绍了混凝土防护涂层的防护机理,根据防护涂层对混凝土表面孔隙的封闭效果,将其分为表面成膜涂层和渗透涂层两类,并对其组成、特点及取得的最新研究成果进行了总结。最后,对水工混凝土防护涂层进一步的研究方向进行了展望。 Abstract: The protective mechanism of concrete protective coatings is introduced. Based on the sealing effect of protective coatings on the surface pores of concrete, protective coatings are divided into two categories: surface film forming coatings and permeable coatings. Their composition, characteristics, and latest research results are summarized. Finally, further research directions for hydraulic concrete protective coatings are prospected.
孟涵敬,罗州,刘俐.水工混凝土防护涂层研究进展[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(5):37-41. MENG H J,LUO Z,LIU L.Research progress of protective coatings for hydraulic concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):37-41.


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