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摘 要:研究了单掺、复掺超细粉煤灰(UFA)、超细矿粉(UMP)、硅灰(SF)对大口径PHC管桩混凝土耐久性的影响,优选出了最佳配合比,并在此基础上,考虑生产经济性,通过优化养护制度,制备了PHC1000AB130管桩。结果表明:当m水泥∶mUMP∶mSF=36∶5∶9、水胶比为0.28时,混凝土耐久性能最佳,其氯离子迁移系数为0.4×10-12 m2/s,280次干湿循环后混凝土抗硫酸盐耐蚀系数为0.85,混凝土抗渗等级达到P20;采用上述配合比生产的PHC1000AB130管桩,施工过程中平均贯入度为0.7~0.8 cm/击,沉桩过程中桩头、桩身均未破损,沉桩效果良好。
Abstract: The effects of single and compound addition of ultra-fine fly ash (UFA), ultra-fine mineral powder (UMP), and silica fume (SF) on the durability of large-diameter PHC pile concrete were studied, and the optimal mix proportion was selected. Based on this, considering production economy, PHC1000AB130 piles were prepared by optimizing the maintenance system. The results show that when mcement: mUMP: mSF=36∶5∶9, and the water cement ratio is 0.28, the durability of concrete is optimal, the chloride ion migration coefficient is 0.4×10-12 m2/s. After 280 dry wet cycles, the sulfate corrosion resistance coefficient of concrete is 0.85, and the impermeability grade of concrete reaches P20. The PHC1000AB130 pile produced by using the above mix proportion has an average penetration of 0.7~0.8 cm/beat during the construction process. The pile head and body of piles are not damaged during the pile sinking process, and the pile sinking effect is good.
HU G Q.Study of durability test and engineering application on large-diameter PHC pile concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(5):42-45,50.