

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00



  • 王春莉1,刘梦宇2,郑 蕊2,鲍玖文2,*
摘   要:采用铸造废砂(WFS)等质量替代0、25%、50%、75%、100%的河砂制备了轻骨料自密实混凝土(LWASCC),研究了LWASCC在不同温度(20、100、200、300、400 ℃)下的力学性能和导热系数变化规律,并采用有限元软件建立了高温环境中LWASCC的传热模型。结果表明:随着WFS掺量的增加,试件在不同温度下的抗压强度基本均先增大后减小;经历100~300 ℃高温后,试件的抗压强度较20 ℃时有所提高,而经历400 ℃高温后,试件的抗压强度较20 ℃时基本有所降低;试件的导热系数随着WFS掺量的增加呈先减小后增大的趋势;建立的传热模型能有效模拟LWASCC在高温下的传热过程;综合考虑试验及模拟结果,当WFS掺量为50%时,LWASCC的耐高温性能最好。 Abstract: Lightweight aggregate self-compacting concrete (LWASCC) was prepared by replacing 0, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of river sand with foundry waste sand (WFS). The mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of LWASCC were studied at different temperatures(20, 100, 200, 300, 400 ℃), and a heat transfer model of LWASCC in  high temperature environment was established by using finite element software. The results show that with the increase of WFS content, the compressive strength of the specimens at different temperatures basically increases first and then decreases. After experiencing a high temperature of 100~300 ℃, the compressive strength of the specimens is increased compared to the compressive strength at 20 ℃, while after experiencing high temperature of 400 ℃, the compressive strength of the specimens is basically decreased compared to the compressive strength at 20 ℃. The thermal conductivity of the specimen shows a trend of first decreasing and then increasing with the increase of WFS content. The established heat transfer model can effectively simulate the heat transfer process of LWASCC at high temperatures. Taking into account the experimental and simulation results, LWASCC exhibits the best high temperature resistance when the WFS content is 50%.
王春莉,刘梦宇,郑蕊,等.铸造废砂对轻骨料自密实混凝土耐高温性能的影响及建模分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):94-99,105. WANG C L,LIU M Y,ZHENG R,et al.Effects of foundry waste sand on high temperature resistance of lightweight aggregate self-compacting concrete and its modeling analysis[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):94-99,105.
  • 魏 柯1,孔爱散1,*,丁扬飞2
摘   要:将废玻璃粉(以下简称WGP)作为辅助胶凝材料可节约混凝土生产成本,同时缓解WGP对环境的污染,促进建筑行业的绿色低碳发展,应用前景良好。首先,介绍了WGP的物理化学性能;其次,总结了WGP对混凝土水化特性、工作性、力学性能、耐久性能和体积稳定性的影响规律,并分析了其作用机理;最后,评价了WGP应用到实际工程中的环境和经济效益。 Abstract: Using waste glass powder (WGP) as an supplementary cementitious material can save the production cost of concrete, alleviate the environmental pollution casued by WGP, promote the green and low-carbon development of the construction industry, and have good application prospect. Firstly, the physicochemical properties of WGP are introduced. Secondly, the influence laws of WGP on the hydration characteristics, workability, mechanical property, durability and volume stability of concrete are summarized, and the mechanism of its action is analyzed. Finally, the environmental and economic benefits of WGP applied to actual projects are evaluated.
魏柯,孔爱散,丁扬飞.掺废玻璃粉水泥基材料性能研究综述[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):100-103. WEI K,KONG A S,DING Y F.Review on performance of cement-based materials with waste glass powder[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):100-103.
  • 陈均侨1,2,水中和1,3,高 旭3,4,曹小荣2,郑 武1,肖勋光3
摘   要:为研究搅拌站废浆(以下简称废浆)在水泥基材料中再利用的可行性,用自主研发的废浆改性剂对废浆进行了改性处理,研究了未改性和改性废浆对湿拌砂浆、混凝土工作性及力学性能的影响,并通过热重法(TG-DTG)分析了改性废浆对胶凝材料水化的影响。结果表明:改性剂延缓了废浆的凝结时间,使废浆保持较高的活性;与未改性废浆相比,掺入改性废浆使湿拌砂浆的8 h稠度损失率降低,凝结时间延长,抗压强度提高;改性废浆的掺入提高了混凝土的工作性及抗压强度。改性废浆再利用具有一定的经济效益。 Abstract: In order to study the feasibility of reusing waste slurry from mixing plant in cementitious materials, a self-developed waste slurry modifier was used to modify the waste slurry, and the effects of unmodified and modified waste slurry on the workability and mechanical properties of wet-mixed mortar and concrete were studied, and the effects of modified waste slurry on hydration of cementitious materials were analyzed by thermogravimetric(TG-DTG). The results show that the modifier delays the setting time of the waste slurry and maintains the waste slurry with high activity.  Compared with the unmodified waste slurry, the addition of modified waste slurry reduces the 8 h consistency loss rate of wet-mixed mortar, prolongs the setting time, and increases the compressive strength. The addition of modified waste slurry improves the workability and compressive strength of concrete. Modified waste slurry reuse has a certain economic effect.
陈均侨,水中和,高旭,等.改性搅拌站废浆在水泥基材料中的再利用研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):106-110,114. CHEN J Q, SHUI Z H,GAO X,et al.Research on the reusing of modified mixing plant waste slurry in cementitious materials[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):106-110,114.
  • 马晓杰1,任 锐2,赵文婧1,杨 婷1,韩智超1,张雅鑫1
摘   要:采用一次回归正交试验方法,研究了再生粗骨料、再生细骨料和粉煤灰的掺量对再生混凝土28 d抗压强度的影响,并建立了回归方程。结果表明:各因素对再生混凝土28 d抗压强度的影响程度大小为再生细骨料掺量>再生粗骨料掺量>粉煤灰掺量,且随着三者掺量的增加,再生混凝土的28 d抗压强度均呈降低趋势;建立的回归方程与实际情况的拟合效果较好,可为再生混凝土的配合比优化设计提供指导。 Abstract: The effects of the contents of recycled coarse aggregate, recycled fine aggregate and fly ash on the 28 d compressive strength of recycled concrete were investigated by using a linear regression orthogonal experiment, and the regression equation was established. The results show that the degree of influence of various factors on the 28 d compressive strength of recycled concrete is recycled fine aggregate content > recycled coarse aggregate content > fly ash content, and with the increase of the three content, the 28 d compressive strength of recycled concrete shows a decreasing trend. The regression equation established has a good fitting effect with the actual situation, which can provide reference for the optimization design of recycled concrete mix proportion.
马晓杰,任锐,赵文婧,等.基于一次回归正交试验的再生混凝土配合比优化研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):111-114. MA X J,REN R,ZHAO W J,et al.Research on mix proportion optimization of recycled concrete based on linear regression orthogonal experiment[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):111-114.
  • 张 丹1,邱成春1,*,王俊炜1,曹冬惠2,姚 达3
摘   要:研究了钢渣粉的掺入方式(内掺、外掺)和掺量(0、5%、10%、15%)对水泥固化高含水率疏浚泥力学性能的影响。结果表明:当水泥掺量一定时,随着钢渣粉外掺量的增加,固化疏浚泥的3、7、14、28、90 d无侧限抗压强度均先增大后减小,14 d峰值应力和峰值应变也呈先增大后减小的趋势,钢渣粉的最佳外掺量为10%;对于纯水泥固化疏浚泥,其变形系数随着水泥掺量的增加而增大,抵抗变形的能力降低;外掺适量钢渣粉降低了固化疏浚泥的变形系数,提高了固化疏浚泥抵抗变形的能力;钢渣粉内掺取代部分水泥降低了固化疏浚泥的无侧限抗压强度,建议钢渣粉采用外掺方式。 Abstract: The influence of the mixing method (internal and external) and content (0, 5%, 10%, 15%) of steel slag powder on the mechanical properties of cement solidified dredged mud with high moisture content was studied. The results show that when the cement content is constant, with the increase of external content of steel slag powder, the unconfined compressive strength of solidified dredged mud at 3 d, 7 d, 14 d, 28 d, and 90 d first increases and then decreases, the peak stress and peak strain at 14 d also show a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, and the optimal external content of steel slag powder is 10%. For pure cement solidified dredged mud, its deformation coefficient increases with the increase of cement content, and its ability to resist deformation decreases. Adding an appropriate external content of steel slag powder reduces the deformation coefficient of solidified dredged mud and improves its ability to resist deformation. Replacing some cement with steel slag powder reduces the unconfined compressive strength of solidified dredged mud. It is recommended to use the external mixing method for steel slag powder.
张丹,邱成春,王俊炜,等.水泥和钢渣粉协同固化高含水率疏浚泥的力学性能研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):115-119. ZHANG D,QIU C C,WANG J W,et al.Study on mechanical properties of cement and steel slag powder synergistic solidification of dredged mud with high moisture content[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):115-119.
  • 王德民1,朱 宇2,张蔚斌2,朱国军1,牛 瑞3,舒震林1,张 港1
摘   要:为了研究采用SY-COM高性能纤维防裂抗渗复合材料(以下简称SY-COM复合材料)所配制的混凝土的防裂抗渗效果,对其力学、抗渗、抗裂等性能进行了测试,并依托某明挖隧道工程,监测了掺SY-COM复合材料大体积混凝土的内部温度和微应变随时间的变化规律。结果表明:与基准组相比,掺SY-COM复合材料混凝土的抗压、劈裂抗拉和抗折强度均有所提高,抗渗等级由P8提高至P12;掺SY-COM复合材料大体积混凝土的早期温降收缩量较小,早期开裂风险较低,防裂抗渗效果较好。 Abstract: In order to study the anti-cracking and anti-seepage effect of concrete prepared with SY-COM high-performance fiber and anti-cracking and anti-seepage composite material (SY-COM composite material), the mechanical, anti-seepage, anti-cracking and other properties were tested. Based on a certain open-cut tunnel engineering, the internal temperature and microstrain of mass concrete mixed with SY-COM composite material were monitored over time. The results show that compared with the benchmark group, the compressive, splitting tensile, and flexural strength of concrete mixed with SY-COM composite material are improved, and the impermeability level is increased from P8 to P12. The early temperature drop shrinkage of mass concrete mixed with SY-COM composite material is relatively small, the risk of early cracking is low, and the anti-cracking and anti-seepage effect is good.
王德民,朱宇,张蔚斌,等.明挖隧道工程大体积混凝土防裂抗渗性能研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):83-86,93. WANG D M,ZHU Y,ZHANG W B,et al.Research on anti-cracking and anti-seepage performance of mass concrete in open-cut tunnel engineering[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):83-86,93.
  • 白秀峰
摘   要:为了研究单箱双室箱梁浇筑时的混凝土水化热分布,以某新建高速铁路高墩大跨连续刚构-钢管混凝土拱桥为研究背景,建立了该桥0号块实体有限元模型,并考虑了温度对混凝土水化速率的影响。结果表明:随着温度的升高,混凝土的水化反应速率加快,强度增长速率提高;混凝土水化过程中的温度变化规律总体表现为先呈抛物线式上升,再保持高温持平状态,最后温度缓慢降低;0号块箱梁在夏季高温施工时,通过合理控制入模温度、适当增加粉煤灰掺量和延长养护时间可有效抑制温度裂缝的产生。 Abstract: In order to study the distribution of concrete hydration heat during the pouring of single box and double chamber box girders, a solid finite element model of the 0# block of a newly built high-speed railway high pier and large-span continuous rigid frame-steel tube concrete arch bridge was established, and the influence of temperature on concrete hydration rate was considered. The results show that as the temperature increases, the hydration reaction rate of concrete accelerates, and the strength growth increases. The overall temperature variation pattern during the hydration process of concrete shows a parabolic rise, followed by a high temperature plateau, and finally a slow decrease in temperature. During high temperature construction in summer, controlling the molding temperature reasonably and increasing the fly ash content and extending the curing time appropriately can effectively suppress the occurrence of temperature cracks in the 0# block box girder.
白秀峰.连续刚构-钢管混凝土拱桥0号块水化热及有限元模拟分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):87-93. BAI X F.Analysis of hydration heat and finite element simulation of 0# block of continuous rigid frame-steel tube concrete arch bridge[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):87-93.
GB/T 13476—2023《先张法预应力混凝土 管桩》主要条款解读
GB/T 13476—2023《先张法预应力混凝土 管桩》主要条款解读
  • 田 寅1,匡红杰1,骆静静1,王 涛2,张立力1
摘  要:新修订的国家标准GB/T 13476—2023《先张法预应力混凝土管桩》已于2024年3月1日实施。为便于该标准的各使用方准确理解标准条款的具体含义,正确贯彻实施标准条款的具体要求和规定,介绍了该标准的修订背景和意义,并对标准的主要条款进行了解读。 Abstract: The newly revised national standard GB/T 13476—2023 Pretensioned spun concrete piles was officially implemented on March 1st, 2024. In order to facilitate understanding the specific meaning of standard provisions by the users of this standard, and implementing the specific requirements and provisions of standard clauses correctly, the background and significance of the revision and the main provisions of the standard are interpreted.
田寅,匡红杰,骆静静,等.GB/T 13476—2023《先张法预应力混凝土管桩》解读主要条款[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):75-82. TIAN Y,KUANG H J,LUO J J,et al.Interpretation of main provisions in GB/T 13476—2023 Pretensioned spun concrete piles[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):75-82.
  • 刘殿生,吴晨磊,朱敏涛
摘   要:为解决传统先张法预应力混凝土梁固定张拉反力台座建造或改造成本较高的问题,研发了移动式自平衡模板体系,该模板体系由反力装置和模板装置组成。其中,模板装置采用整体拆装式结构,包括底模、外模、内模和端模;反力装置由钢横梁、钢管、开口式横撑组成,使用过程中与预应力钢绞线形成自平衡体系。有限元分析表明:反力装置的钢管强度满足相关规范要求。 Abstract:In order to solve the problem of high construction or renovation costs for fixed tensioning reaction pedestals of traditional pretensioned concrete beams, a mobile self-balancing mould system is developed, which consists of reaction devices and mould devices. Among them, the mould device adopts an integral disassembly and assembly structure, including bottom mold, outer mold, inner mold, and end mold. The reaction device consists of steel crossbeams, steel pipes, and open cross braces, forming a self-balancing system with prestressed steel strands during using. Finite element analysis shows that the steel pipe strength of the reaction device meets the specification requirements.
刘殿生,吴晨磊,朱敏涛.先张法预应力混凝土梁自平衡模板体系研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):72-74. LIU D S,WU C L,ZHU M T.Research on the self-balancing mould system of pretensioned concrete beams[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):72-74.
  • 余建杰1,翟嘉欣2,*,郑 琪1,董建军1
摘   要:研究了钢纤维、PVA纤维、PVA-钢混杂纤维对自密实混凝土早期干燥收缩的影响。结果表明:纤维的掺入不会改变自密实混凝土干燥收缩的发展趋势;单掺钢纤维或PVA纤维均能抑制自密实混凝土的干燥收缩,其中,PVA纤维较钢纤维对自密实混凝土干燥收缩的抑制效果更好,但纤维体积掺量过高则会导致纤维的抑制效果减弱;PVA-钢混杂纤维对自密实混凝土干燥收缩的改善效果优于单一纤维,其中,0.3%体积掺量的钢纤维与0.06%体积掺量的PVA纤维混杂对自密实混凝土干燥收缩的改善效果相对最好,表现出显著的混杂效应。 Abstract: The effects of steel fiber, PVA fiber and PVA-steel hybrid fiber on the early-age drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete were studied. The results show that the incorporation of fiber will not change the trend of drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete. The drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete can be inhibited by mixing steel fiber or PVA fiber. Among which, PVA fiber has a better inhibition effect on the drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete than that of steel fiber, but the inhibition effect of fiber is weakened by too much fiber volume content. The improved effect of PVA-steel hybrid fiber on drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete is better than that of single fiber. Among which, mixing 0.3% volume content of steel fiber and 0.06% volume content of PVA fiber shows relatively the best improvement on drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete, showing a significant hybrid effect.
余建杰,翟嘉欣,郑琪,等.PVA-钢纤维自密实混凝土早期干燥收缩研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2024(6):55-58,63. YU J J,ZHAI J X,ZHENG Q,et al.Study on early-age drying shrinkage of PVA-steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):55-58,63.


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