- 王春莉1,刘梦宇2,郑 蕊2,鲍玖文2,*
摘 要:采用铸造废砂(WFS)等质量替代0、25%、50%、75%、100%的河砂制备了轻骨料自密实混凝土(LWASCC),研究了LWASCC在不同温度(20、100、200、300、400 ℃)下的力学性能和导热系数变化规律,并采用有限元软件建立了高温环境中LWASCC的传热模型。结果表明:随着WFS掺量的增加,试件在不同温度下的抗压强度基本均先增大后减小;经历100~300 ℃高温后,试件的抗压强度较20 ℃时有所提高,而经历400 ℃高温后,试件的抗压强度较20 ℃时基本有所降低;试件的导热系数随着WFS掺量的增加呈先减小后增大的趋势;建立的传热模型能有效模拟LWASCC在高温下的传热过程;综合考虑试验及模拟结果,当WFS掺量为50%时,LWASCC的耐高温性能最好。
Abstract: Lightweight aggregate self-compacting concrete (LWASCC) was prepared by replacing 0, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of river sand with foundry waste sand (WFS). The mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of LWASCC were studied at different temperatures(20, 100, 200, 300, 400 ℃), and a heat transfer model of LWASCC in high temperature environment was established by using finite element software. The results show that with the increase of WFS content, the compressive strength of the specimens at different temperatures basically increases first and then decreases. After experiencing a high temperature of 100~300 ℃, the compressive strength of the specimens is increased compared to the compressive strength at 20 ℃, while after experiencing high temperature of 400 ℃, the compressive strength of the specimens is basically decreased compared to the compressive strength at 20 ℃. The thermal conductivity of the specimen shows a trend of first decreasing and then increasing with the increase of WFS content. The established heat transfer model can effectively simulate the heat transfer process of LWASCC at high temperatures. Taking into account the experimental and simulation results, LWASCC exhibits the best high temperature resistance when the WFS content is 50%.
WANG C L,LIU M Y,ZHENG R,et al.Effects of foundry waste sand on high temperature resistance of lightweight aggregate self-compacting concrete and its modeling analysis[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(6):94-99,105.