

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Research Review on High Temperature Performance and Mechanism of Fiber Concrete
Fiber concrete; High temperature; Spalling; Mechanism
张广泰,陈 浩,郭 锐,令 芳,邓洋洋
新疆大学建筑工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830047

张广泰,陈 浩,郭 锐,令 芳,邓洋洋

摘 要:在对国内外聚丙烯纤维、钢纤维、钢-聚丙烯混杂纤维和其他纤维混凝土的高温残余性能和抗爆裂研究成果进行综述的基础上,对作用机理进行了深入分析,并指出该领域中当前研究所存在的若干问题,对需要进一步研究的相关内容提出了建议。 Abstract: Basis on review of research on residual properties after high temperature and spalling resistance of polypropylene fiber, steel fiber, steel-polypropylene fiber and other fibers concrete at home and abroad, the mechanism of fiber concrete is deeply analyzed, the problems of current research in this field are pointed out. At the same time, recommendations for further research are proposed.
英文名 : Research Review on High Temperature Performance and Mechanism of Fiber Concrete
刊期 : 2016年第1期
关键词 : 纤维混凝土;高温;爆裂;机理
Key words : Fiber concrete; High temperature; Spalling; Mechanism
刊期 : 2016年第1期
文章编号 : 1000-4637(2016)01-62-07
基金项目 : 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金资助项目(2014211A006)
作者 : 张广泰,陈 浩,郭 锐,令 芳,邓洋洋
单位 : 新疆大学建筑工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830047

张广泰,陈 浩,郭 锐,令 芳,邓洋洋


摘  要:在对国内外聚丙烯纤维、钢纤维、钢-聚丙烯混杂纤维和其他纤维混凝土的高温残余性能和抗爆裂研究成果进行综述的基础上,对作用机理进行了深入分析,并指出该领域中当前研究所存在的若干问题,对需要进一步研究的相关内容提出了建议。

Abstract: Basis on review of research on residual properties after high temperature and spalling resistance of polypropylene fiber, steel fiber, steel-polypropylene fiber and other fibers concrete at home and abroad, the mechanism of fiber concrete is deeply analyzed, the problems of current research in this field are pointed out. At the same time, recommendations for further research are proposed.

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