赵晓明,邬 迪,刘曙光
赵晓明,邬 迪,刘曙光
摘 要:对聚乙烯醇纤维增强水泥基复合材料(PVA-FRCC)在干湿循环和长期浸泡作用下分别进行了抗硫酸钠侵蚀试验研究,分析对比了不同侵蚀环境下PVA-FRCC的质量变化、体积变化和抗压强度变化。结果表明,在纤维掺量小于1%时,侵蚀环境对PVA-FRCC抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能影响明显,表现为干湿循环作用下侵蚀劣化程度更严重;在纤维掺量大于1%时,侵蚀环境对PVA-FRCC抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能影响不明显。
Abstract: The experimental research of polyvinyl alcohol fiber reinforced cementitous composites( PVA-FRCC ) on resist corrosion of sodium sulfate in wet dry cycle and long-term immersion is carried out, the changes of PVA-FRCC on quality, volume and compressive strength under different immersion environment are analyzed and compared. The results show that, when fiber content is less than 1%, the erosion environment has obvious influence on the corrosion resistance of PVA-FRCC, corrosion deterioration degree is more serious under wet dry cycle; as fiber dosage more than 1%, the influence on sulfate attack resistance of PVA-FRCC in corrosion environment is not obvious.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州