高 路,陆晓彤,高 扬,王小惠,王 菁
高 路,陆晓彤,高 扬,王小惠,王 菁
摘 要:对三组钢筋混凝土梁在外荷载和服役环境下的耐久性能进行了试验室模拟研究。运用电化学方法对试件中不同涂层钢筋和无涂层钢筋的阻抗进行了测试和等效电路模拟,结合不同试件的裂缝分布,对模拟结果进行了分析。结果表明,环氧涂层能提高钢筋的耐腐蚀性;加载形式不同会对试件钢筋锈蚀产生不同影响;随盐水腐蚀时间的增加,试件中不同厚度涂层钢筋的抗锈蚀能力也有不同程度的退化。
Abstract: Laboratory simulation research on the durability behaviour of the three groups of reinforced concrete (RC) beams external load and environment attacks was studied, test and equivalent circuits modeling of impedance for specimen containing different epoxy-coated reinforcing bar and uncoated reinforcing bars by using electrochemical method are carried out, that simulation results are analyzed by combining with cracks distribution of different specimens. The results show that, epoxy coating can provide effective anti-corrosion protection for the reinforcing bars; the corrosion of the reinforcing bars in RC test specimens is influenced by external load. Deterioration of the anti-corrosion protection for reinforcing bars with different coating thicknesses in test specimens is shown with the increase of the simulated seawater solution attack.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州