

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00



  • 杨 剑1,温晓凯2,张增起1,王 军2,王丽丽2,阎培渝1
2019年第12期 NO.284 P1-6
摘 要:通过正交试验分析了胶砂比、胶材组成、速凝剂掺量、聚合物掺量对某种古建筑修复用的聚合物砂浆的抗压强度、压折强度比、收缩率和拉伸黏结强度等宏观性能的影响,并通过扫描电镜观察和压汞试验分析了该种聚合物砂浆的微观形貌和孔隙特征,得出了修复砂浆的优化配合比,验证了其总体性能的优越性。Abstract:Theeffectsofbinder-sandratio,thecompositionofthecementitiousbinder,thecontentofacceleratorandpolymerpowderonthecompressivestrength,theratioofcompressionstrengthandflexurestrength,shrinkageandtensilebondstrengthofthepolymermortarforancientbuildingmaintenancewerestudiedthroughorthogonalexperiment.Themorphologyandtheporosityofthehardenedmortarwereinvestigatedbyscanningelectronmicroscope(SEM)andmercuryintrusionporosimetry(MIP).Theoptimizedmixproportionofthepolymermortarwasobtainedanditssatisfactoryperformancewasproved.
杨剑,温晓凯,张增起,等.古建筑修复用聚合物砂浆的配合比优化及微结构表征[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):1-6. YANG J,WEN X K,ZHANG Z Q,et al.The Optimization of Mix Proportion and Microstructural Characteristics of Polymer Mortar Used for Ancient Building Maintenance[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):1-6.
  • 邓 芳1,桂 雨2,廖宜顺2,刘 阳2
摘 要: 研究了经过化学螯合稳定化处理后的城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰(CFA)对水泥浆体凝结时间、抗压强度、电阻率和水化产物的影响规律。结果表明,掺入CFA后,水泥浆体的凝结时间缩短,在3 d和28 d龄期时生成了水化产物Friedel盐,且水泥浆体的液相离子浓度增大,电阻率减小;当CFA掺量为5%时,硬化水泥浆体7 d龄期内的抗压强度提高,但28 d抗压强度降低;当CFA掺量从10%增大到60%时,硬化水泥浆体的抗压强度均小于空白组,并逐渐降低。 Abstract: The effects of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash after chemical chelating agent stabilization treatment(CFA) on the setting time, compressive strength, electrical resistivity and hydration products of cement pastes were studied. The results show that the setting time of cement paste is shortened after CFA is mixed, and Friedel’s salt is formed at the age of 3 days and 28 days. In addition, the electrical resistivity of the cement paste is decreased due to the increase of ion concentration of the liquid phase. When the amount of CFA is 5%, it helps to improve the compressive strength of the hardened cement paste during the 7 days, but the compressive strength at 28 days decreases. When the amount of CFA is increased from 10% to 60%, the compressive strength of the hardened cement paste is smaller than that of the control group and decreases gradually.
邓芳,桂雨,廖宜顺,等.城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰对水泥水化过程的影响研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):94-97. DENG F,GUI Y,LIAO Y S,et al.Study on the Influence of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash on Cement Hydration Process[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):94-97.
  • 何智海1,2,常静宇2
摘 要:测试了不同龄期石灰石粉混凝土的干燥收缩和失水量,研究了玻璃粉掺量对其干燥收缩性能的影响。结果表明,掺加10%和20%玻璃粉可有效降低石灰石粉混凝土的干燥收缩,以10%掺量最佳,继续增加玻璃粉掺量反而增加了干燥收缩。扫描电镜(SEM)结果表明,良好的保水性和致密的内部结构,能够增强混凝土抵抗干燥收缩的能力,阻碍其内部水分迁移渗出,从而降低干燥收缩。 Abstract: The drying shrinkage and water loss of concrete with limestone powder at different ages were tested to study the effect of glass powder with different contents on its drying shrinkage performance. The results show that the utilization of 10% and 20% glass powder reduces drying shrinkage of concrete with limestone powder, and the best content is 10%, however, with the further increase of glass powder content, the drying shrinkage of concrete is increased. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) results show that the good water retention and dense internal structure of concrete can enhance the ability of concrete to resist drying shrinkage and hinder the migration and exudation of internal moisture, thus reducing drying shrinkage.
何智海,常静宇.玻璃粉掺量对石灰石粉混凝土干燥收缩的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):91-93. HE Z H,CHANG J Y.Effect of Glass Powder Content on Drying Shrinkage of Concrete with Limestone Powder[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):91-93.
  • 季 韬,张检梅,王灿强
摘 要:在NaOH及水玻璃(WG)两种碱激发剂下,研究了粉煤灰及炉渣对碱激发镍渣-粉煤灰-炉渣胶凝材料(ANC-FI)流动度及强度的影响,并通过XRD和IR揭示其机理。结果表明,当粉煤灰及炉渣总掺量为30%(等质量取代镍渣)时,随着炉渣掺量的增加(即粉煤灰掺量降低),ANC-FI的标准稠度用水量增加,凝结时间延长,砂浆流动度降低;ANC-FI抗折强度和抗压强度均随着炉渣掺量的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,最佳掺量为粉煤灰和炉渣各取代15%的镍渣。 Abstract: The effects of fly ash and incineration slag on the fluidity and strength of alkali-activated nickel slag-fly ash-incineration slag cementitious material ( ANC-FI) with NaOH or water glass (WG) as activators were studied, and the mechanism was revealed by XRD and IR. The results show that when the nickel slag is replaced by 30% of fly ash and incineration slag, with the increase of the incineration slag content (i.e., the amount of fly ash is reduced), the standard consistency water consumption of ANC-FI is increased, the setting time is prolonged and the fluidity of ANC-FI is reduced. The flexural strength and compressive strength of ANC-FI increase first and then decrease with the increase of incineration slag content, and when the nickel slag is replaced by 15% fly ash and 15% incineration slag respectively, the optimum ANC-FI can be obtained.
季韬,张检梅,王灿强.粉煤灰和炉渣对碱激发镍渣胶凝材料流动度和强度的影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):87-90+97. JI T,ZHANG J M,WANG C Q.Effect of Fly Ash and Incineration Slag on the Fluidity and Strength of Alkali-activated Nickel Slag Cementitious Material[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):87-90+97.
  • 徐自明,王 乾
摘 要:研制了一种新型仿花岗岩混凝土路缘石成型装置,重点解决了原成型生产工艺中存在的成型时间长、生产效率低、外观质量差等问题。经生产验证得出:新装置产品2 min内可形成一定初始结构强度,养护7 d抗压强度可达到设计强度的90%以上,生产效率与原干法生产工艺相当,较原湿法生产工艺,生产效率有一定提高,生产周期缩短,占用场地减少,生产成本降低;新装置产品抗压强度可达55 MPa,表观密度可达2 400 kg/m3,较原工艺产品,物理力学性能有较大提高;新装置产品外观平整光滑。 Abstract: A new forming device for imitating granite concrete curb was developed, which focused on solving the problems of long forming time, production efficiency and poor appearance quality in the original forming process. The production verification shows that the initial structural strength of the new device product is 2 min, the compressive strength of the product can reach more than 90% of the design strength in 7d curing period, and the production efficiency is similar to that of the original dry process. Compared with the original wet process, the production efficiency is greatly improved, the production cycle is shortened, the occupied site is reduced, and the production cost is reduced. The compressive strength of the new device product reaches 55 MPa, the compactness reaches 2 300 kg/m3, which is better than the original process. The physical properties of the process products have been greatly improved, and the appearance quality of the new device products is smooth, which avoids the shortcomings of rough and hollow appearance of the original dry forming process products.
徐自明,王乾.新型仿花岗岩混凝土路缘石成型装置设计与试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):83-86. XU Z M,WANG Q.Design and Experimental Study of New Imitation Granite Concrete Curb Stone Forming Device[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):83-86.
  • 杨泽青1,2,李 军1,2,卢忠远1,邓 鑫1,2
摘 要:选取国内特色膨润土矿物作为预拌砂浆保水增稠材料,研究了膨润土种类(钙基膨润土、钠基膨润土、锂基膨润土)及其掺量对预拌砂浆性能的影响。结果表明,不同类型的三种膨润土在预拌砂浆中均具有增稠保水功能;膨润土的掺入能够使预拌砂浆湿密度降低,但掺量过多将影响砂浆力学性能;相比于钙基和钠基膨润土,锂基膨润土在较低掺量下即具有较好的保水增稠效果;减水剂的掺入可在保证掺膨润土预拌砂浆稠度的前提下,有效降低用水量、提高力学性能;在优选配合比下,钙基、钠基膨润土与纤维素醚复掺在改善预拌砂浆保水率、28 d力学性能方面均优于单掺纤维素醚或膨润土。 Abstract: Local characteristics bentonite mineral was used as the water-retentive and plastic material to prepare ready-mixed mortar and the effect of the type (Ca-bentonite, Na-bentonite, Li-bentonite) and the content of bentonite on performance of ready-mixed mortar was studied. The results show that three different types of bentonite have thickening and water retention functions in ready-mixed mortar. The addition of bentonite can reduce the wet density of ready-mixed mortar but decrease the mechanical properties when excessive addition of bentonite. Compared with Ca-bentonite and Na-bentonite, Li-bentonite with lower dosage has better water retention and thickening effect. The addition of water reducing agent in bentonite ready-mixed mortar can effectively reduce the water consumption and improve the mechanical properties under proper consistency. Composites of cellulose ether and Ca-bentonite/Na-bentonite can improve the water retention rate and 28 d strength of the ready-mixed mortar, which are superior to the cellulose ether or bentonite used alone.
杨泽青,李军,卢忠远,等.膨润土保水增稠材料对预拌砂浆性能影响[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):78-82. YANG Z Q,LI J,LU Z Y,et al.Effect of Bentonite Based Water-retentive and Plastic Materials on the Performance of Ready-mixed Mortars[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):78-82.
  • 李茜莎
摘 要:为研究钢筋混凝土框架柱在不同CFRP包裹方案下的加固效果,以某钢筋混凝土厂房加固改造工程为例,通过有限元分析软件ANSYS从拟静力、骨架曲线、耗能角度对B×8框架柱两种加固方案进行了计算分析。结果表明,两端集中包裹方案对柱最大承载力和极限荷载的提高、刚度退化的限制、耗能能力的增强效果均优于均匀包裹方案,推荐采用柱两端集中包裹CFRP法加固钢筋混凝土框架柱的加固方案。 Abstract: A reinforced concrete building reinforcement project was taken as an example, and the finite element analysis software ANSYS was used to calculate and analyze the two reinforcement schemes of CFRP uniform package and concentrated package at both ends of the B×8 frame column from the pseudo static, skeleton curve and energy dissipation angle. The results show that the maximum package scheme at both ends is the largest to the column. The improvement of the bearing capacity and ultimate load, the limit of stiffness degradation and the enhancement effect of energy dissipation are all better than those of the uniform package. It is recommended to use the CFRP method to reinforce the reinforced concrete frame columns at both ends of the column.
李茜莎.基于有限元的钢筋混凝土框架柱CFRP加固分析[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):74-77. LI X S.Study on Reinforcement Effect of Reinforced Concrete Frame Columns Bonded with CFRP Based on Finite Element Method[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):74-77.
  • 王修贵1,程 功1,张文静2
摘 要:基于国内外研究现状,根据最佳配合比制备气凝胶保温砂浆,研究相关因素对其导热系数的影响。以郑州市某座高层住宅楼为例,对比分析了气凝胶砂浆保温体系与玻化微珠砂浆保温体系的建筑能耗。研究发现,气凝胶保温砂浆导热系数随着温度的提高而增大,并且与其干表观密度呈现线性增加的趋势;与玻化微珠砂浆保温体系建筑物相比,气凝胶砂浆保温体系建筑物的单位面积耗煤量与单位面积采暖费均降低18%。 Abstract: The aerogel thermal insulation mortar was prepared according to the best mix ratio, and the influence of related factors on its thermal conductivity was studied. Taking a high-rise residential building in Zhengzhou as an example, the aerogel insulation mortar insulation system and glass beads insulation mortar were analyzed. The resuts show that the thermal conductivity of the aerogel insulation mortar increases with the increase of temperature, and its dry apparent density shows a linear increase. Compared with the insulation system of glass beads, the aerogel insulation mortar insulation system has a 18% reduction in coal consumption per unit area and heating cost per unit area, which provides a reference for the study of aerogel thermal insulation mortar.
王修贵,程功,张文静.气凝胶保温砂浆导热影响因素及建筑能耗研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):70-73. WANG X G,CHENG G,ZHANG W J.Thermal Conductivity Influence Factors and Building Energy Consumption Analysis of Aerogel Thermal Insulation Mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):70-73.
  • 于 江,皮滟杰,乐风江,许 磊,蔺鹏杰
摘 要:基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件,提出了一种以非线性弹簧与PQ-Fiber子程序结合使用来考虑钢筋与混凝土之间黏结滑移关系的简易方法,分别用此方法分析了普通钢筋混凝土梁在单调荷载下的破坏过程,以及预应力混凝土梁在反复荷载下的受力行为。结果表明,在单调荷载和反复荷载下,数值分析结果的初始刚度和承载力均高于试验结果;单调荷载下的分析结果出现了明显的承载力下降阶段,反复荷载下的分析中有效地避免了滞回曲线的过度饱满现象;整体上分析结果与试验结果吻合良好,故该方法用于钢筋混凝土梁的有限元分析中是可行的。 Abstract: A simple and easy method to consider the relationship between bond and slip between steel and concrete based on ABAQUS finite element analysis software, in combination with a kind of non-linear spring and PQ-Fiber subroutine was put forward, and the failure process of ordinary reinforced concrete beams under monotonic loading and the behavior of prestressed concrete beams under cyclic loading were analyzed by this method. The results show that under the monotonic and cyclic loads, the initial stiffness and bearing capacity of the numerical analysis results are higher than those of the experimental results. The numerical analysis results have a significant bearing capacity decline stage, and the method effectively avoids the overfilling phenomenon of the hysteresis curve under cyclic load analysis. The results are in good agreement with the experimental results, and the method is feasible for the finite element analysis of reinforced concrete beams.
于江,皮滟杰,乐风江,等.考虑黏结滑移的钢筋混凝土梁分析方法研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):66-69. YU J,PI Y J,YUE F J,et al.Study on Analytical Method of Reinforced Concrete Beams Considering bonding Slip[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):66-69.
  • 孔 燕1,邵永健1,杜 亮1,傅少华1,李国建2
摘 要:设计了10组ECC试件,并进行了哑铃型单轴拉伸和薄板四点弯曲试验,研究了粉煤灰掺量、水胶比和PVA纤维体积率对ECC拉伸性能与弯曲性能的影响。结果表明,增加粉煤灰掺量,ECC试件抗拉强度和抗弯强度均先增大后减小,当粉煤灰掺量为1.2时,ECC的受拉应变-硬化特性最明显,极限拉应变可稳定达到4.7%以上;增大水胶比,ECC的抗拉强度和抗弯强度降低,但极限拉应变增大且受拉应变-硬化特性明显;增大PVA体积率可明显提高ECC的抗拉强度、极限拉应变和抗弯强度。 Abstract: The uniaxial tension and four-point bending tests of 10 groups of ECC specimens were carried out to study the effects of fly ash content, water-binder ratio and PVA fiber volume ratio on tensile properties and bending properties of ECC. The results show that the tensile strength and bending strength of ECC specimens increase first and then decrease with the increase of fly ash content, and when fly ash content is 1.2, the tensile strain-hardening characteristics of ECC are obvious, and the most obvious ultimate tensile strain could be more than 4.7%. With the increase of water-binder ratio, the tensile strength and bending strength of ECC decrease, but the ultimate tensile strain increases and the tensile strain-hardening characteristics are obvious. The tensile strength, ultimate tensile strain and bending strength of ECC could be improved obviously with the increase of PVA volume ratio.
孔燕,邵永健,杜亮,等.ECC拉伸性能与弯曲性能的试验研究[J].混凝土与水泥制品,2019(12):61-65. KONG Y,SHAO Y J,DU L,et al.Experimental Study on the Tensile and Bending Properties of ECC[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2019(12):61-65.


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