- 王春明,邓建良
摘 要:以氟化工工业废渣为主要原材料,经活性激发,添加适宜减水剂、可再分散乳胶粉制备石膏基灌浆材料。研究了复合激发剂对氟化工工业废渣凝结时间、强度的影响,聚羧酸减水剂与氟化工工业废渣的相容性以及可再分散乳胶粉对石膏基灌浆材料黏结强度和耐水性能的影响,探讨了利用氟化工工业废渣制作石膏基灌浆材料的可能性。
Abstract: Using fluorine chemical industrial residue as a main materials, gypsum-based grouting material was prepared by activating activity, adding superplasticizer, and redispersible emulsion powder. The influence of composite activator on setting time and strength was studied, compatibility of polycarboxylate superplasticizer and fluorine chemical industrial residue, and effects of redispersible emulsion powder on bonding strength and water resistance of gypsum-based grouting material were carried out. The possibility of gypsum-based grouting material by using fluorine chemical industrial residue is discussed.