佟晓超,王 博,昌文芳,崔德奎
TONG X C,WANG B,CHANG W F,et al.Research and Analysis of Uniaxial Tensile Properties of Grouting Joints[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(10):67-71.
佟晓超,王 博,昌文芳,崔德奎
TONG X C,WANG B,CHANG W F,et al.Research and Analysis of Uniaxial Tensile Properties of Grouting Joints[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2021(10):67-71.
摘 要:研究了灌浆料和钢筋之间的黏结强度与灌浆料抗压强度的关系,分析了利用新型工艺制造的套筒是否满足JGJ 355—2015《钢筋套筒灌浆连接应用技术规程》的要求,并通过既有168个钢筋拔出试验数据验证了黏结强度与灌浆料抗压强度之间的线性关系。结果表明:黏结强度与灌浆料抗压强度存在强相关性;利用滚压、挤压、铸造和切削工艺制得的套筒均满足JGJ 355—2015对于连接件破坏的要求。
Abstract: The relationship between the bond strength of grouting materials and steel bar and the compressive strength of grouting materials was studied, and whether the sleeve made by the new technology could meet the requirements of JGJ 355—2015 Technical Specification for Groute Sleeve Splicing of Rebars was analyzed. The linear relationship between the bond strength and the compressive strength of grouting materials was verified by using the existing datas of 168 rebar pulling out tests. The results show that there is a strong correlation between bond strength and compressive strength of grouting materials. The sleeves made by rolling, extrusion, casting and cutting process can meet the requirements of JGJ 355—2015 for connection failure.
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