张 平1,马旭东1,刘 洋1,郑海康1,李绍纯2
ZHANG P,MA X D,LIU Y,et al.Study on the Influence of Tuff Powder on the Durability of Hydraulic Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(6):87-90,104.
张 平1,马旭东1,刘 洋1,郑海康1,李绍纯2
ZHANG P,MA X D,LIU Y,et al.Study on the Influence of Tuff Powder on the Durability of Hydraulic Concrete[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(6):87-90,104.
研究了凝灰岩粉的掺量和比表面积对水工混凝土耐久性能(抗渗性能、抗冻性能、抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能)的影响,并通过压汞法从微观层面对掺凝灰岩粉水工混凝土的孔结构进行了分析。结果表明:当凝灰岩粉的比表面积为352 m2/kg,且掺量控制在30%以下时,有利于改善水工混凝土的抗渗性能和抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能;凝灰岩粉的比表面积越大,对水工混凝土中小孔的填充作用越好,但对大孔的填充作用不明显。
The effects of the content and specific surface area of tuff powder on the durability(impermeability, frost resistance and sulfate corrosion resistance) of hydraulic concrete were studied, and the pore structure of hydraulic concrete mixed with tuff powder was analyzed from the micro level by mercury injection method. The results show that when the specific surface area of tuff powder is 352 m2/kg and the content of tuff powder is controlled below 30%, it is beneficial to improve the impermeability and sulfate corrosion resistance of hydraulic concrete. The larger the specific surface area of tuff powder, the better the filling effect of small pores in hydraulic concrete, but the filling effect of large pores is not obvious.
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