李春宝1,李笑天1,李 申2,管 笛2,肖 畅1,秦鹏举3,丛子钦1,张建华4
LI C B,LI X T,LI S,et al.Experimental Study on Self-leveling Foamed Concrete For Shield Tunne Backfill[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(8):83-86.
李春宝1,李笑天1,李 申2,管 笛2,肖 畅1,秦鹏举3,丛子钦1,张建华4
LI C B,LI X T,LI S,et al.Experimental Study on Self-leveling Foamed Concrete For Shield Tunne Backfill[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2022(8):83-86.
摘 要:通过正交试验研究了水灰比、HTFC掺合料、减水剂、发泡剂对泡沫混凝土性能的影响,改进了用于输送、生产和浇筑的施工设备。结果表明,各因素对泡沫混凝土流动度的影响顺序大小为:发泡剂掺量>水灰比>减水剂掺量>HTFC掺合料掺量。满足实际施工要求的自流平泡沫混凝土的配合比为:水灰比0.5~0.6、HTFC掺合料掺量35%~40%、减水剂掺量1.00%、发泡剂掺量3.0%~3.5%。
Abstract: The effects of water-cement ratio, HTFC admixtures, water reducing agent and foaming agent on the properties of foamed concrete were studied through orthogonal test, and the construction equipments for transportation, production and pouring were improved. The results show that the influence order of various factors on the fluidity of foamed concrete is as follows: foaming agent content > water-cement ratio > water reducing agent content > HTFC admixture content. The mix proportion of self-leveling foamed concrete meeting the actual construction requirements is that the water-cement ratio is 0.5~0.6, the HTFC admixture content is 35%~40%, the water reducing agent content is 1.00%, and the foaming agent content is 3.0%~3.5%.
版权所有:中国混凝土与水泥制品网 苏ICP备10086386号 网站建设:中企动力 苏州