- 肖力光,李纪良
摘 要:利用秸秆纤维、粉煤灰及硅藻土制备了夹芯复合外挂墙板,研究了秸秆纤维长度、粉煤灰和硅藻土协同作用对秸秆水泥基材料力学性能的影响,确定了粉煤灰及硅藻土的预处理方式,通过正交试验确定了粉煤灰、硅藻土取代水泥的最佳取代率及水灰比;利用ANSYS有限元软件对秸秆夹芯复合外挂墙板的抗风承载力进行了数值模拟,分析了不同墙板厚度及钢丝含量对秸秆夹芯外挂墙板抗风承载力的影响。结果表明:随着秸秆纤维掺量的增加,试件抗压强度逐渐下降,其中,秸秆纤维长度为5~10 mm时,秸秆水泥基材料的力学性能最佳;粉煤灰、硅藻土的最佳取代率分别为10%、4%,最佳水灰比为0.48;秸秆夹芯外挂墙板的抗风承载力满足规范要求,增加墙板厚度及改变钢丝布置方式均能提高秸秆夹芯复合外挂墙板的抗风承载力,且改变钢丝布置对抗风承载力的影响显著。
Abstract: The straw fiber, fly ash and diatomite were used to prepare sandwich composite external wallboard, and the effect of straw fiber length, fly ash and diatomite on the properties of straw cement-based materials was studied, and the preprocessing method of fly ash and diatomite was determined. The optimal replacement rate of fly ash and diatomite to replace cement and water-cement ratio were determined by orthogonal test. The wind resistance bearing capacity of straw sandwich composite wallboard was simulated by ANSYS software, and the influence of wall thickness and steel wire content on the wind resistance bearing capacity of straw sandwich external wallboard was analyzed. The results show that with the increase of the straw fiber content, the compressive strength decreases gradually. When the straw fiber length is 5~10 mm, the mechanical properties of straw cement-based materials are the best. The optimal replacement rate of fly ash and diatomite is 10% and 4% respectively, and the optimal water-cement ratio is 0.48. The wind resistance bearing capacity of straw sandwich external wallboard meets the requirements of the code. The wind resistance bearing capacity of straw sandwich external wallboard can be improved by increasing the wallboard thickness and changing the steel wire arrangement, and the effect of changing the steel wire arrangement on the wind resistance bearing capacity is significant.
XIAO L G,LI J L.Preparation and Wind Resistance Bearing Capacity of Straw Sandwich External Wall Panels[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(6):65-69.