- 刘召超
摘 要:为研究矿物掺合料对泡沫混凝土力学性能、导热系数、抗冻性的影响,以粉煤灰掺量10%的泡沫混凝土为基准,通过分别单掺硅灰和矿粉及复掺硅灰、矿粉研究了矿物掺合料对泡沫混凝土性能的改善作用。结果表明:当分别单掺硅灰和矿粉时,泡沫混凝土的抗压强度、抗折强度及抗冻性均得到一定提升,导热系数随之增大;当复掺硅灰和矿粉,且复掺比例为2∶1时,泡沫混凝土的强度和抗冻性最佳,导热系数最大。
Abstract: To study the influence of mineral admixtures on the mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, and frost resistance of foamed concrete, based on the foamed concrete with a fly ash content of 10%, by mixing silica fume and mineral powder alone and compounding silica fume and mineral powder respectively, the improvement effect of mineral admixture on the foamed concrete was studied. The results show that when silica fume and mineral powder are added separately, the compressive strength, flexural strength and frost resistance of foamed concrete are improved to a certain extent, and the thermal conductivity increases accordingly. When silica fume and mineral powder are added, the compressive strength, flexural strength, and frost resistance of foamed concrete are increased. When the mixing ratio of silica fume and slag powder is 2∶1, the strength and frost resistance of the foamed concrete are the best, and the thermal conductivity is the largest.
LIU Z C.Effect of Multi-mineral Admixtures on Properties of Foamed Concrete[J].CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS,2021(8):1-4.