

发布时间:2020-01-06 00:00:00
Preparation and performance research of high performance polymer mortar
Polymer mortar; Directional gradation composite technology; Flexural strength; Compressive strength
毕承伟1,卢立群2,缪志勇2,钱玉德2,王星尧3,陈 伟2,孙德文3
1.江苏省建筑工程质量检测中心有限公司,江苏 南京 210008;2.江苏丰彩建材(集团)有限公司, 江苏 南京 211500;3.江苏苏博特新材料股份有限公司,江苏 南京 211103

毕承伟1,卢立群2,缪志勇2,钱玉德2,王星尧3,陈 伟2,孙德文3


BI Chengwei, LU Liqun, MIAO Zhiyong,et al.Preparation and performance research of high performance polymer Mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(3):16-20.

摘   要:采用定向级配复合技术优化了河砂级配,再采用响应曲面法构建了聚合物砂浆性能预测模型,并对聚合物砂浆的配合比进行了优化。此外,研究了原材料组分交互作用对聚合物砂浆性能的影响,并建立了聚合物砂浆7 d抗折、抗压强度与水泥掺量、膨胀剂掺量、胶粉掺量的二阶响应曲面模型。结果表明:高性能聚合物砂浆的最佳配合比为水泥掺量420 g、膨胀剂掺量10 g、胶粉掺量20 g,以此配合比制备的高性能聚合物砂浆7 d抗折、抗压强度分别可达8.4 MPa、55.7 MPa。 Abstract: The directional gradation composite technology was used to optimize the river sand gradation, and the response surface method was used to construct a performance prediction model for polymer mortar, and the mix proportion of polymer mortar was optimized. In addition, the influence of raw material component interaction on the performance of polymer mortar was studied, and a second-order response surface model was established for the 7 d flexural and compressive strength of polymer mortar with cement, expansion agent, and rubber powder dosage. The results show that the optimal mix proportion for high performance polymer mortar is 420 g of cement, 10 g of expansion agent, and 20 g of adhesive powder, and the high performance polymer mortar prepared from this mix proportion can achieve a 7 d flexural and compressive strength of 8.4 MPa and 55.7 MPa.
英文名 : Preparation and performance research of high performance polymer mortar
刊期 : 2024年第3期
关键词 : 聚合物砂浆;定向级配复合技术;抗折强度;抗压强度
Key words : Polymer mortar; Directional gradation composite technology; Flexural strength; Compressive strength
刊期 : 2024年第3期
DOI : 10.19761/j.1000-4637.2024.03.016.05
文章编号 :
基金项目 :
作者 : 毕承伟1,卢立群2,缪志勇2,钱玉德2,王星尧3,陈 伟2,孙德文3
单位 : 1.江苏省建筑工程质量检测中心有限公司,江苏 南京 210008;2.江苏丰彩建材(集团)有限公司, 江苏 南京 211500;3.江苏苏博特新材料股份有限公司,江苏 南京 211103

毕承伟1,卢立群2,缪志勇2,钱玉德2,王星尧3,陈 伟2,孙德文3


BI Chengwei, LU Liqun, MIAO Zhiyong,et al.Preparation and performance research of high performance polymer Mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(3):16-20.


摘   要:采用定向级配复合技术优化了河砂级配,再采用响应曲面法构建了聚合物砂浆性能预测模型,并对聚合物砂浆的配合比进行了优化。此外,研究了原材料组分交互作用对聚合物砂浆性能的影响,并建立了聚合物砂浆7 d抗折、抗压强度与水泥掺量、膨胀剂掺量、胶粉掺量的二阶响应曲面模型。结果表明:高性能聚合物砂浆的最佳配合比为水泥掺量420 g、膨胀剂掺量10 g、胶粉掺量20 g,以此配合比制备的高性能聚合物砂浆7 d抗折、抗压强度分别可达8.4 MPa、55.7 MPa。

Abstract: The directional gradation composite technology was used to optimize the river sand gradation, and the response surface method was used to construct a performance prediction model for polymer mortar, and the mix proportion of polymer mortar was optimized. In addition, the influence of raw material component interaction on the performance of polymer mortar was studied, and a second-order response surface model was established for the 7 d flexural and compressive strength of polymer mortar with cement, expansion agent, and rubber powder dosage. The results show that the optimal mix proportion for high performance polymer mortar is 420 g of cement, 10 g of expansion agent, and 20 g of adhesive powder, and the high performance polymer mortar prepared from this mix proportion can achieve a 7 d flexural and compressive strength of 8.4 MPa and 55.7 MPa.


(2)水泥掺量的增加能显著提高聚合物砂浆的抗压强度,但胶粉掺量对强度的提高效果甚微,适量膨胀剂的掺入可以在一定程度上提高聚合物砂浆的强度。综合考虑,建议水泥掺量为420 g、膨胀剂掺量为10 g、胶粉掺量为20 g。

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BI Chengwei, LU Liqun, MIAO Zhiyong,et al.Preparation and performance research of high performance polymer Mortar[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(3):16-20.




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