- 张显河1,文 华1,*,郑 召1,包志涛1,余伟豪2,雷 旭1,范 伟1
摘 要:对油基钻屑灰渣进行了高速机械粉磨处理,研究了粉磨时间(0~7 min)对灰渣粒径分布和比表面积的影响,分析了掺灰渣胶砂试件的力学性能,并进行了XRD、SEM、FTIR微观分析。结果表明:与未粉磨处理的灰渣相比,粉磨3 min灰渣的粒径分布范围缩小至1.220~40.100 μm,D50降低了60.9%,比表面积增大了27.6%;与其他粉磨时间的灰渣相比,用粉磨3 min的灰渣等质量取代30%水泥所制备的胶砂试件的28 d抗压强度最高,28 d抗折强度也较高;适宜的粉磨时间能够促进灰渣中的活性SiO2、Al2O3等与水泥水化产物Ca(OH)2发生二次水化反应,生成C-S-H凝胶和AFt,提高胶砂结构的密实度。
Abstract: High-speed mechanical grinding treatment was carried out on oil-based drilling cuttings ash, and the effect of grinding time(0~7 min) on the particle size distribution and specific surface area of the oil-based drilling cuttings ash was studied. The mechanical properties of the mortar specimens mixed with oil-based drilling cuttings ash were analyzed, and XRD, SEM and FTIR microscopic analysis were conducted. The results show that compared with the oil-based drilling cuttings ash without grinding treatment, the particle size distribution range of the oil-based drilling cuttings ash after grinding for 3 min is reduced to 1.220~40.100 μm, the D50 is decreased by 60.9%, and the specific surface area is increased by 27.6%. Compared with the oil-based drilling cuttings ash from other grinding times, the 28 d compressive strength of the mortar specimens prepared by replacing 30% cement with oil-based drilling cuttings ash from grinding for 3 min is the highest, and the 28 d flexural strength is high. The appropriate grinding time can promote the secondary hydration reaction between the active SiO2, Al2O3, etc. in the oil-based drilling cuttings ash and the cement hydration product Ca(OH)2 to generate C-S-H gel and AFt, thus improving the structural compactness of the mortar.
ZHANG X H,WEN H,ZHENG Z,et al.Effect of high-speed mechanical grinding on activity of oil-based drilling cuttings ash[J].China Concrete and Cement Products,2024(2):88-92.